42. A Little Date

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Yoongi looked up from the dish he was preparing on the stove when he heard his little brother's voice greeting him.

"Yes Taebear? Just woke up?"

Yoongi tried to sound oblivious to whatever happened this morning and pretended like he didn't know Jungkook spent the early morning sleeping in with his brother.

"Are you alone? Where is Jungkook?" Taehyung looked around his room and came down when he didn't spot the raven head anywhere.

"Jungkook? There is no one here. I woke up a little late this morning, currently preparing lunch. Didn't see Jungkook. Was he here?"

Yoongi plopped a small cherry tomato onto his mouth as he wiped his fingers on the towel over his left shoulder. He walked to the centre island and held onto the marble surface while Taehyung took his seat on the barstool across him.

"Yea...I brought him home. I woke up a little earlier for a morning walk, stumbled across Jungkook and we crashed in for a nap. Didn't know he would leave without saying bye."

The alpha just nodded and dished the noodles on a plate for his brother as time was nearing lunch hour making the brown head's stomach protest in hunger. The mealtime continued with a small chat and Yoongi lecturing Taehyung about getting enough rest over the weekend post the mishap on the day before.

Following the intense talk which both Yoongi and Jungkook had, the raven head promised that he will kill anyone who dares to take his mate away from him. He walked out soon after excusing himself afraid that Taehyung might walk into them discussing on the serious matter.

Although Jungkook didn't like it, he agreed to Yoongi in keeping things oblivious for Taehyung until they find out a couple of matter bothering them such as the mint scent which lingered around Taehyung's bedroom.

That specific conversation infuriated Yoongi as he clenched his hand in a painful fist when Jungkook said he could smell another wolf on Tae's bedroom when he entered this morning.

"What the fuck? Are you saying someone invaded Taehyung's room last night and even ruined his sleep without me knowing?"

"Calm down Yoongi, there is no need for you to start raising your voice. But yes, that's what exactly I am saying. I'm surprised you didn't check on Taehyung."

Jungkook did find it very suspicious on how did Yoongi allowed such a big mishap to happen.

"I had a rough night as well Jungkook plus there can be many more reasons to why I can't smell the presence of another wolf. Besides, I am not a true alpha. There are certain scents we can't pick up if the owner of the scent decides to disguise it."

This statement freaked both of them even more as soon as Yoongi finished his sentence.

"Fucking hell. Then there is more of a reason why I should be around Taehyung. Like 24/7."

"There is no need to do so Jungkook. I can still keep an eye on him. Last night was a mistake because I wasn't stable emotionally. From now onwards I will keep my emotion in check at all time and will not allow my focus to quiver."

"Until I figure out who this might be and why the person is invading into Taehyung's personal space, I will keep a watch Yoongi. I will personally guard your house hereafter."

Yoongi nodded. He knows that this is for the best. No one will dare to mess the people under the Shadow Pack Head Alpha's protection.

"Thanks, Jungkook."

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