35. Oblivious Obsession

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"Do you like me Jungkook?"

Jungkook's entire body stiffened as his eyes dances around the cafe refusing eye contact with the male in front of him. Taehyung intensely eyed his prey while he swiped his wet tongue over the bottom of his lips sucking away the residue of hot chocolate he sipped on.

"Tell me Kooks, do you like me?"

Can he not be so blunt with his questions? What am I supposed to say now?

The raven head dodged the question as much and as long as he could fidgeting on the hem of his shirt, taking another sip of his ice coffee, finding a sudden interest on his nails as he picks on them.

"If you're rendering speechless then I will automatically take it as a yes."

Taehyung sunk his bum a little lower down his seat, getting comfortable while he waits for the confirmation from the raven head boy.

"You're just assuming things on your own." Jungkook said with the lowest voice he could muster. Trying to appear as confident and unaffected by the sudden dominance oozing from his human mate.

For one, Jungkook has never understood the mechanism behind his submissiveness to Taehyung whenever they are alone. Being a true alpha screams dominant and power but with his human mate, it's like Jungkook is just a small little pup.

"Well you're not answering me. I'm free to make assumption coz you're blushing like mad and not to mention you're also completely flustered."

Tae raised his brow and challenged the raven head's decision.

"Whatever, you're getting out of the topic." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Well, the last time I checked you wanted to speak about us and I don't see why this is out of the topic."

"Fine, stop being such an ass all of a sudden."

"Why? Can't take a little stick up your ass?" Taehyung chuckled with sass. There is no way someone is going to think of him as a weakling. Taehyung is not a submissive person.

"TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook's cheeks heated in embarrassment. There is no way someone can even remotely thinking about making the head alpha a submissive bottom.

"Alright chill! I just thought it'd be funny to pull your legs Jeon. I'm sorry, I wasn't kidding but yea...go ahead. Answer me. Do you like me? Romantically?"

He is never gonna let this question die down, isn't he?

Jungkook groaned internally rolling his eyes as he braced himself to face the obnoxiously handsome male in front of his eyes.

"Ye-...omg Tae what's wrong?"

In a flick of an eye, Taehyung was on the floor with his hands holding the nape of his neck as the brown head cried out in a heart-wrenching pain.


"Tae! Omg, what's wrong? Tae!"

Jungkook rushed to the side of the fallen male as he tried to pull Taehyung up. The electrifying and burning sensation at the back of his shoulder was forbidding the said male to even straighten his posture as he continued to curl into a tight ball, knees against his chest.

"H-help...ah Kooks it hurts!"

Taehyung continues to whimper and scream. The scene of the male in crying pain created an audience as the customers in the cafe pooled around them whispering and witnessing the two males.

"Oh no, what is happening here?" One of the owners of Brother's Cafe - J-Kay approached the males and attempted to assist them.

"Can you please open the door for me, I will bring him to a doctor."

Jungkook used his mighty strength to scoop the curled up Taehyung into his arms while the brown head continued his cry and started to squirm around in an attempt to get rid of the stinging pain at the back of his neck and shoulder.

For some reason, Taehyung's body feels like it was burning in the pit fire of hell's deepest ring, melting his body like lava.

The raven head quickly thanked J-Kay and ran towards his car, opening the back seat door and placed Taehyung gently on the seat.

"No- hurts...no-..."

Taehyung spoke an incoherent string of words, arms wrapped tightly on the alpha's neck refusing to release his hold. Tae finds a slight comfort in Jungkook's arms and he has no plan to let go of it as he was still struggling with this strange pain.

"Tae...bun listen to me alright? I need to bring you to the hospital. It'll be quick, just hang in there for me."

Jungkook's gentle voice and soft caress on Tae's face eased the tension and pain on the brown head's body. Taehyung was still struggling but the comfort from Jungkook is enough for an instant pain reliever.

"Quick Kooks, my body h-hurts..."

"Yes Tae, hang in there." Jungkook's heart was crying in panic. His wolf was wailing feeling the sensation projected towards it absorbing the pain from their mate. Jungkook knew he needs to get Tae to the doctors as fast as he can.

And that's what he did.

Jungkook constantly checked on the male who was crying as he rushed them to the hospital. Once he stopped at the Emergency Department, he swung open the door and gently took the semi conscious male out.


And there it was, Taehyung being hauled on a stretcher into the EnT room leaving the alpha outdoor, gasping.

Jungkook thought it was only responsible for him to call Yoongi to inform him about Taehyung. To his dismay, Jungkook did not have Yoongi's number, so he called Hoseok and delivered the news, asking him to get to Yoongi.

30 minutes passed on the clock and no news of Taehyung. He waited anxiously, heart still ragging out of control wanting to attend to his mate.

As the true alpha was pacing back and forth outside the emergency room, the whole elite squad barged into the hospital running frantically towards the raven head.


Yoongi's fist clasped around the raven head's collar, demanding him for an answer. It was a no brainer that Yoongi was red in his eyes, tears staining both his cheeks as his stronghold on Jungkook still sent a little tremble on his fisted finger showing his anxiousness.


"Yoongi, calm down." Jimin was quick to hold onto the older's shoulder with Hoseok trying to break his hold from Jungkook's collar.

"Yoongi, let Jungkook go. Let's hear about what happened first." Hoseok's voice was calmer than Jimin's and surprisingly it worked to ease the tension on Yoongi's shoulder.

He let go of the hold and continued to murder Jungkook with his dark gaze as the trembling on his body slowed down.

"Where the hell is my brother Jungkook? Answer me before I behead you right away."

Before Jungkook could answer, the door to the emergency room opened with the doctor exiting the emergency room.

"Who can I speak with in regards to the patient Kim Taehyung?"

"Me!" Jungkook's hand immediately raised in the air.

"I'm his brother."

Yoongi threw Jungkook a nasty look cutting the raven head's offer to speak with the doctor.

Jungkook gulped and lowered his raised hand taking a few steps back as Yoongi advanced further into the room with the doctor.

BE ready!

More of the stories unveiling soon.
I guess something is slowly starting to go wrong with Taehyung.

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