57. The Next In Line

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I can't believe they made me look like a little puppy. Gosh.

Jungkook thought to himself as he was cleaning the mess the rest of the boys left behind in the living room. After a much-dreaded session of roasting and laughter about Jungkook being a sub, the older members retrieved to their rooms as assigned.

It's all worth it though, as long as it's with my mate.

The raven head picked up the last can of soda as he grinned from ear to ear. He tumbled back when he turned around and noticed a presence behind him.

"Gosh, what are you doing here?"


"What is it Yoongi? Are you gonna continue to lecture me on how Tae and I fucked?" Jungkook dropped the waste bag on the side and took a heavy dip onto the couch, arms crossed at the older male who rolled his eyes in return.

"There is nothing I can do about it anyway."

"Precisely, so what's your point Yoongi? You keep sneaking on me."

"We need to talk about Taehyung and we need to talk to him." Yoongi sat down across the head alpha.

"I know. I wanted to but I couldn't do it." Jungkook admitted. He failed miserably for the very first time on the things he set the mind into.

"I guess you ended up getting fucked instead?" Yoongi wiggled his brows. For some reason, he is surprised with the dominance Taehyung can exert on the true alpha, it's truly rare.

"For the nth time, stop making fun of it. I know I got fucked and it is what it is." Jungkook wasn't embarrassed about bottoming, he is rather shy about talking his intimate moments with Taehyung with the rest. The true alpha didn't want to share any intimate news between him and his mate to anyone.

"Alright champion. Back to business." Yoongi decided it's probably good to leave Jungkook alone now until the next time he decides he should annoy the younger again. "So, the plan is we sit Taehyung down and let him know slowly and in detail about the whole ruckus."

Jungkook wasn't so keen on the idea. He is afraid that Taehyung will hate him at the end of the day when he finds out that Jungkook is not fully human.

"Jungkook, you do know that there is nothing both you and I can change right? We are what we are and there is no reason you should doubt Tae's love for you."

"You think he loves me?"

"Aren't you in love with him?"

Jungkook gulped. Is it alright for him to admit to Yoongi that he is indeed in love with Taehyung? Will Yoongi disapprove? At the end of the day, both him and Taehyung are destined for one another, no one can change it unless Taehyung rejects Jungkook from the mate bond.

"Why are you keeping silent?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes at the raven head.


"Say it Jeon, it's not that hard to guess you're already head over heels about my brother. You're already in love isn't it?" Yoongi is such a tease.

"Yes, I am." Jungkook answered wholeheartedly, without a hint of doubt in his tone.

"Good. Then I'm sure Tae is in love with you too. I have never seen him ever getting so excited about someone since the time he stupidly crushed on this one silly guy in our old town. To top that, he gave himself to you, I won't consider that as a simple crush if Taehyung isn't so sure about you."

"But he didn't say he loves me, he only said he likes me."

"Have you told him how you feel?"

Jungkook shakes his head at this. He never told Taehyung he loves him, he has only confessed to Tae that he likes him.

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