9. Distinctive

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A week has passed since the brown head joined the supposed elite pack in the whole of Shadow College without knowing the real truth behind their original identity.

For Taehyung, he has gained 4 good friends in such a short period. He would gladly have considered Jungkook as his friend as well, if and only if the raven head did not act all awkward and careful with him.

Since the day 1 they parted after a roller coaster encounter, Taehyung finds that Jungkook has been a lot more distant and quiet with him. The brown head keeps thinking that it may due to his very harsh words on Jungkook by calling him a machine boy, would have tipped the raven head in a wrong way.

Luckily, nothing much was taking up Tae's mind space this morning when he finally gets to attend the college with Yoongi who was ready to report to his work as the music lecturer in Shadow College.

"All set Taehyung?"

Yoongi adjusted his glasses, looking polish and neat in his black pants, a cotton button-up, dressed in all black.

"Yoongles, are you gonna be attending a lecture or a funeral?"

Taehyung adjusted his snapback hat as he descended the stairs, watching his brother standing at the entrance, dressed in black from head to toe.

"Don't I look cool?" Yoongi wiggled his brows.

"Yea, like you're ready to assassinate someone." Tae made a horror face, turning it into a wild giggle when Yoongi turned into a tickle monster.

"Aha-hahahah haha stop it Yoongles hahaha" Tae was hugging his waist, trying to keep his brother's tickle attacks away.

"Next time, don't make fun of me. Just watch how am I gonna swipe everyone from their feet. They might start praising me instead of your handsome little devil face." Yoongi finally stopped his attack but bopped Tae's nose as the younger shrugged off his laughter.

After all, Taehyung is glad that Yoongi will be there with him in the college vicinity as he has been growing lonely. Even with the presence of Jin, Joon, Hoseok and Jimin, he still finds having his brother close by will ease his discomfort in this new town.

The two soon decided to just use a single car today since it will be Yoongi's day 1 reporting to his work as well.

"Um, so you wanna have lunch with me?" Yoongi asked as he started the engine towards their destination.

"I could but I also promised Jiminie I will eat with him, I kind of forgot your reporting day is today. Sorry, Hyung."

Tae apologized when he notices his made a plan with Jimin, forgetting about his brother.

"No worries, then maybe I can join your group?" Yoongi asked, in a very harmless manner.

"Sure! I keep talking about you all the time, I think they will be happy to meet you." Taehyung grinned.

"So, will Jungkook be there too?" Yoongi asked, again in a harmless manner. But what the older didn't seem to notice is how Tae's heart skipped a beat with the mention of the other raven head which he didn't converse much since day 1.



"Hyung, why are you asking about Jungkook specifically?"

"Nothing. You talked about him once and nothing after that but I did recall you mention he is Namjoon's brother?"

Taehyung scrunched his brows together. Yoongi has always been good with keeping up regarding his social life and whom Tae socializes with, but what struck as odd for Tae was how Yoongi very specifically picked on Jungkook while the brown head spoke non stop about Jimin instead.

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