56. Regrets

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"Jungkook, are we gonna-..."

"Are we gonna tell the rest?" Jungkook pulled his car at the parking lot in front of his porch. He could see the other cars parked neatly indicating the presence of his members and Yoongi inside his mansion.

"Yea. I mean, I like you and I have no regrets on whatever that happened. I just don't know if it's too soon since we decided to take it slow." Taehyung explained while his fingers stayed entwined in the raven head's as Jungkook refuse to let him go.

During their car ride back, they have established the fact that they want to take things slow and explore further into the relationship. Not denying the notion of their extreme attractions and liking towards one another, Jungkook decided to go in Tae's pace and not to rush his human mate into anything.

Jungkook did have a little pausing moment when he thought about breaking the news regarding their supernatural world and Tae's involvement in it, but he held back when he watched how cheerful Tae was explaining about his likes and dislikes, his childhood and recent years of living to Jungkook.

They exchanged so much information and clicked so well across the time they drove back, basically making them a partner in crime. They both share equal liking towards a certain type of music, love for arts and suckers for outdoor activities.

At the end of the ride, Jungkook just couldn't break the news to Taehyung. He can't afford to chase away his mate after growing so close to him in a matter of days. Call him selfish, he certainly is but he chooses to live that way for as long as he can afford.

"Bun. You do you. We can wait and reveal about our possible courting to the rest when you feel comfortable. Ok?"

Jungkook leaned in for a kiss on the lips but Taehyung stopped it with his index finger signalling the possibility of someone come rushing from the house.

As if Taehyung's the psychic, one second later the door of the mansion was sprung open by an overly excited Jimin with Yoongi at his tails, arms crossed.

"How'd you know we will be interrupted?" The raven head alpha chuckled amusingly as he reluctantly let go of Tae's hand which he was holding.

"It's my secret. But sometimes, I can hear the wind whispering in my ears. Shhh, don't tell the others." Taehyung giggles and exited the door with a dumbfounded Jungkook digesting his words.

For Tae it might have been his recurring joke which is not a joke coz for once, he did freak out when he was skipping class and jumping over the school fence to escape to an arcade when he subtly heard someone warning him about the principal.

He was so sure no one else was present with him at that moment and his gut feeling asked him to trust the voice which he interpreted as his mind voice. So he listened and sure enough, as he retrieved his steps back to his classroom, he saw the principal passing by the route which he was supposed to escape to. Taehyung was saved by a huge grace.

Since then, he has been occasionally listening to his mind voices and stayed obedient to it. It never swayed him wrongly.

"What am I gonna do with you Tae?" Jungkook sighed today himself as he saw Taehyung and Jimin reuniting with a stoic looking Yoongi waiting for his brother.

It's gonna be another long day with grumpy Yoongi.

Jungkook growled and picked up his stuff and locked the car to join the rest of the gang indoor.


"So a little detour huh?" Jimin's arm stayed where it did since the second it found Tae's shoulder. The silver head ushered Taehyung in and directly passed by the crowd to the dining room.

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