40. Forbidden

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Where am I?

Jungkook was lost in his thought before his nose picked up the familiar intoxicating scent which he slowly can't live his day without anymore.

Oh yea, Tae's house.

The raven head alpha turned his body slightly to only find it locked under the heavyweight of another person who was clearing having the time of his life getting comfortable on top of his very own sturdy body.

Jungkook opened his eyes to have it greeted by a mob of brown head laying on his chest. He looked around the room to find the ambience glowing much brighter than the time both the males went to slumber.

"Tae?" He shook his mate's body slightly.

"Can you move? Tae?"


Taehyung was asleep soundly on top of him and it looks like he is not going to wake anytime soon from his beauty sleep. Jungkook understood that his mate must have had a terrible night of disturbance for him to fall flat comfortably in his embrace. After all, they are each other's mates and in each other shall they find comfort.

"You look so beautiful."

Without breaking Tae's deep sleep, Jungkook gently turned Tae's body and lay it on the side of the bed while he wiggled himself off his embrace. It wasn't easy but he made it somehow.

Tae looked like an angel asleep. His mouth gently ajar showing his shallow breathe exhaling with each time he inhales. He looked ethereal. Jungkook could also sense how much calmer Taehyung is right now compared to the distraught emotion he felt emitting from his mate this morning.

"Sleep well bun."

Jungkook leaned in and stole a kiss from Tae's lips before quickly retrieving himself, afraid of what is to come next. He tippy-toed himself and exited Tae's room leaving the human asleep with a pillow replacing the warmth of the true alpha.

"You shouldn't have Kooks, now I want to know how you taste too."

Tae's eyes sprung open as he smiled wickedly tossing himself around before losing himself into a deep sleep with the warmth of the bed emitting Jungkook's faint musky after scent. To be frank, the brown head gained consciousness when Jungkook was in the middle of shifting him away from his body.

Taehyung decided to stay silent coz he was embarrassed on how extensively his cuddling habit took it's advantage on Jungkook when he found himself practically on top of the raven head.

Well, maybe it's for the best...Taehyung is now determined to find out for real if Jungkook likes him or not as he is pretty sure that his heart beats a rhythm faster whenever the raven head is within his vicinity.


"Isn't it a bit too late to sneak out Jeon?"

Jungkook's body felt like it was frozen with a spell. His feet were hanging midair as he was about to step on the marble tiles decorating the little cozy house as he heard a very unpleasant voice coming from a corner of the house.

Shit. Busted.

"Get your ass over here."

The raven head saw a figure walking past him with a similar dark hair as his own with a robe hugging his small body frame. By the look and the smell of it, it is Yoongi. The true alpha thought he could sneak past Tae's older brother and leave their home without being busted.

He failed as clear as Tae's perfect face skin.

"So? You thought you're gonna sneak into my brother's room and leave without a trace? Not smart Jeon. Not at all."

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