75. Passionate Encounter

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"Gosh, why am I like this?"

Taehyung was slapping himself mentally as he barged into the room and headed straight to the bathroom without taking a look at the surrounding. If only he realized the soonest that he was not in the guest room he once occupied, it wouldn't have led to the next aspect of the story.

The brown head was so flustered with the encounters he had with Jungkook causing a heat of arousal rising in his body.

"Gosh! Not this bloody feeling again."

He religiously stripped himself and went to the shower cubicle. As soon as he was in, he turned the shower knob to the coldest and stood under the pouring water. Minutes passed but there was no sign of slowing down for Tae's racing heart.

All the flash images of the raven head invaded his mind staying in there rent-free. Taehyung was mad at the way Jungkook sassed and made him look unbothered since they both united at the dark forest. At one point, Tae thought Jungkook hated him from the way the true blood behaved at him.

"He must be hating me now. I didn't do my best."

Regret washed over the brown head as he stood completely soaked from top to bottom as fresh tears mingled with the shower water which continued to trail down his body.

Taehyung can't suppress his regret with his action as well as his unexplainable yearning for the raven head. Not going to deny, he did had a moment where he hated Jungkook for behaving like a douche with him and how he pretended Tae meant nothing to him.

Deep down his heart, mate or not, Taehyung knew that there is no way he is going to be staying apart from Jungkook anymore. He just can't seem to be properly confessing to the raven head coz Taehyung is still salty for how Jungkook denied him the luxury of the truth when he could easily enlighten him about it.

"Stupid Kooks."

"Oh, am I now?"

Taehyung turned so abruptly that the second he was flipping his feet in the air falling in the shower.

"You need to stop falling for me every damn time Bun." Jungkook's cute giggle resonated alongside the dripping shower while Taehyung blinked his eyes rapidly.

When the realization hit the brown head, he noticed he was now in Jungkook's arm almost in a dancing dip position with the true alpha arched down to support his falling body with a proximity of the tips of their noses touching. Taehyung's hands were securely holding on the alpha's broad shoulder for the support of his life.

"Now, who did you call stupid?"

Jungkook raised Tae's body as they stood eye to eye. The raven head's arms snaked its way around the raw skin of Taehyung's waist as the brown head hissed with a couple of hiccups in his breathing when he felt the touch engulfing his waist.

"I-I...why are you in my shower?"

Taehyung scrunched his brows as he noticed the raven head standing in his bathroom, invading his private space.

Jungkook smirked as he ran his lips along the brown head's angular jawline. "It's mine bun. And, you're also mine. What's yours is mine and what is mine is also mine." Jungkook gently nibbled on the male's right earlobe shooting serotonin into Tae's body like a drug.

"Huh?" Taehyung gasped with hodded eyes. The sexual tension he is feeling right now is not doing his body any good as his knees started to buckle with the raven head's low growls.

"I said the room is mine bun. You didn't notice you walked into my room, don't you?" He chuckled, in a very evil way.

"Shit." Taehyung closed his eyes in defeat as he face-palmed himself.

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