Sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎

The few purple marks still kissing his beautiful skin make Jisung sigh. It's been a few days already since the best night he's had the whole year, the night him and Minho finally got intimate again and shared an amazing 'I love you' at the end. He obligates his thoughts to move aside as he washes his face one more time and organizes the collar of his shirt. When Jisung gets out of the bathroom, a few costumers greet him since they're regular there and some workers bow with a soft smile.

He's the proud owner of a café. It's near his house so he can perfectly walk there and just go back home to have lunch and rest before continuing. Jisung doesn't exactly need to work everyday or anything since he has great workers who help him, but being at home and doing nothing? Yeah, nope. He's not a fan. You know what else he's not a fan of? People. Every time he meets someone new people, they all make some kind of comment about how his husband is such successful surgeon and he's just a café owner or about how much he's wasting his life when he could be rich managing some other place since he majored in business and it's extremely good at it.

But Jisung likes this. A peaceful place, full of nice and usually regular costumers, with his small crew and a great chef. He loves to have this and he wouldn't change it for anything else.

"No matter what they say, I'm always gonna be proud of you and you should be too"

He smiles touching the wedding ring softly embracing his finger. Despite everything, Minho has always supported him and even followed his crazy ideas when they were younger. They got stuck in a place they no longer know where to go but one thing they do know..

They will never stop loving the other.

Jisung has to blink a few times when his phone starts vibrating inside his pocket. He quickly takes it out. To be honest, he doesn't get much calls. Only from his parents, the Lee's, grandma Lee, Minho's sister and Minho. And they all call at least once a month.. yeah, even Minho. He's more of 'I'd send you a text' kind of guy.

Min 🐱💕 is calling...

"Are you alright?" Jisung asks straight away. It's 9am, Minho should be working.

"Yeah, why?"

"You never call me while you work unless it's urgent"

"Ah, right" Minho sighs "I'm actually home. I came back to get clothes since I forgot them"

"Min, they're in your bag. I packed them"

"You did?"

"Of course I did"


"What do you mean why, you dickhead?" Minho suppresses a chuckle "You're my husband! And you barely remember which day is it. I knew you were gonna forget"

The elder smiles, "Then I'm just gonna get my lunchbox"

"Also packed"


Jisung whines, "MinMin, I always pack your lunch in the morning"

"Like if I were a kid?"

"My kid, yeah"

Minho smiles again, feeling quite warm, "Alright alright. Thanks, Hannie"

Again with the Han thing..

"So see you tonight?"

"Yeah, I might be home around 6"

𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚖𝚎 |  𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘  ♥︎   ✔️Where stories live. Discover now