Nɪɴᴇᴛᴇᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Nɪɴᴇᴛᴇᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎

"Shortcakes" Minho chuckles setting the plates aside "I haven't seen those since you were pregnant"

"I know" Jisung smiles fondly "Quite a craving I had" he scoffs "I saw a recipe so I wanted to try them out. I know you liked them back then"

"So you made them just because?" the brunette looks back at his husband with a smirk.

"Just because" Jisung smirks back.

"Thanks for the small gathering" Minho kisses his husband's forehead "I had a lot of fun watching Chan feel insecure because of Changbin" he chuckles.

"Felix was enjoying it too" Jisung joins the chuckles "Chan hyung got all clingy with him"

"He does that when he gets jealous. He doesn't fight, he just gives extra attention to Felix like a small kid"

Jisung smiles cleaning up the counter in silence, his head is somewhere else and Minho can tell but it's not a bad silence either. They are both cleaning up the kitchen after everyone left, their cats are already sleeping on the couch like they usually do and some silence after such noisy afternoon it's really relaxing.

"I've been looking on adoption sites" Jisung lets out.

Minho is not even taken aback, they have already talked about this, "And what have you seen?"

"Well, there's a place I want us to go. We could meet the kids and spend some time with them"

The elder sets the last plate and turns his body as he sighs, "Hannie, are you 100% sure you want this? Adopting a kid is a big responsibility"

"Of course I want this, Min" Jisung gets closer to his husband "We could give a child a nice home and loving family. Plus, we have talked about this for a while.. don't you think we are ready?"

"Of course I think we are, love" Minho gently caresses Jisung's hair when the younger hugs his waist "We are more than ready to be parents and to give a kid all our love"

"And it's not like we are gonna stop trying, right?"

Minho smiles shaking his head in denial, "No matter what the doctor said about low chances, we are gonna keep trying"

"Until I get a huge belly again"

"And crave weird stuff"

Jisung laughs, "Pickles with mustard are not that weird!"

"They taste awful!" Minho joins the laughs "I loved the shortcake and banana with Nutella cravings. But the pickles one and the ketchup in literally EVERYTHING, nope"

"It was the baby, not me!"

"Yeah, right. The baby wanted me to go for ketchup at 3am"

They keep laughing, remembering that sweet time Jisung got all bossy with Minho for his cravings and when the elder had to baby his husband to ease his mood swings. Let's just say, it was a time Jisung was extra sensitive and little things would make him cry or get annoyed. Minho handled just fine and adored to just kiss his cheeks at night.

"You know" Minho gives Jisung a small peck on the cheek "If I could go back in time and change things I did back then.. I would. The bad parts, but" they lock eyes "Despite all the bad stuff we went through, I wouldn't change that day we met"

The younger's cheeks start to blush, "Every birthday you get all cheesy"

"Because every birthday is one more year with you by my side, Hannie. And you are my whole world" his eyes start to water.


"You've always been there for me. When my parents died, when I got into Med school, when I got my first job" Jisung's eyes water too "You always believed in me and stayed there no matter what, ready to cheer me up"

"Stop.. I look ugly when I cry"

Minho chuckles, "You, Mr. Han Jisung, are the most beautiful human in the whole world. Your cheeks" a slight pinch on the cheeks make Jisung whine a bit "Your eyes" Jisung closes them when Minho gets closer to place to small pecks on them "Your nose" another peck "Your pretty hands" the light squeeze makes the blue haired want to cry.

"I hate you" he sobs.

"I love you, Han~ah. I love every single part of you, every single mole, every single wrinkle, every single thing" small tears roll down his tears "I love all of you, even the flaws" Jisung softly hits him, making him chuckle "You little moody baby with really bad cooking skills"

"You are the worst, shut up" Jisung starts crying, hugging Minho tighter and burying his face on the elder's chest.

"I was just telling the truth"

"It's your birthday and you tell me pretty things" Jisung's small hand tries to hit Minho again but he's crying too much to even aim "I hate you"

"You are the best gift, I'm just being thankful"


"I love you"

"I love you so much, Min" Jisung sniffs "But I can't keep up with all the sweet things you said about me" he pulls away.

Minho smiles looking at the puffy face he loves so much, gently wiping away the tears with his thumbs, "You can.. remember all the letters I have from you?"

Every birthday Jisung makes sure to write his husband a letter, telling him how much he loves him, how happy and grateful he is since they met. Anyone would cringe reading them but for Minho they are a boost of energy and a small crying session out of happiness and mix of emotions. They've been through a lot but they haven't given up.

"I'm so embarrassing, oh Gosh" Jisung chuckles hiding his face with his hands.

"You are a Lee, that's normal"

"I'm a Han, actually"

"Half Lee"

They chuckle, "I really love you. There's no one else I would choose to spend the rest of my life with"

Minho gasps, "Not even our kids?!"

"You little-" Minho laughs when he gets hit "It was a sweet moment!"

"You know, I don't want my birthday gift tonight"

"Really? But you love your birthday gifts" Jisung pouts "I love them too.."

The brunette chuckles smirking, "I know. But tonight I just want to hug you and kiss your cheeks til I get tired"

"But you never get tired, you just fall asleep and I wake up with too much weight on top of me"

"But you love that weight"

"I do"

"So.. can I get those cheeks tonight? They deserve some love" Minho gently pinches his husband's cheeks.

"Can I watch movies while you kiss them?"

"Pick at least 6" Minho lifts Jisung easily, ready to leave the kitchen.

"Ah.. shit" the younger gives up sighing.

About to be a long night.

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