ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ ғɪʀs ᴛʀʏ ♡︎
"Old habits"

Jisung bites his lip looking at the tv. He's not even paying attention to what's going on, all he can think about is what he read online a few hours ago. Minho is still not home since he has the night shift at the hospital and Jisung is giving himself encouraging words for what he has planned for tonight. The house phone rings, earning two annoyed meows from the sleeping cats on the desk.

"You two lazy babies" Jisung coos at them, earning a louder meow from the youngest cat "Hello?" he immediately says when he answers the phone.

"Sung! Hey!"

"Oh, hey, hyung"

"Is Minho hyung there?"

"Not yet, he has the night shift so he'd probably be coming around 3 or 4 in the morning, why?"

The other male whines, "That bitch! He was suppose to help me with Minnie's birthday"

"Bin hyung, what could you possibly need from Min? He barely remembers our anniversary.. even I forget it"

"You guys are an old couple, alright? Minnie and I are still not married. I just want to give him something special for his bday, you know his dad is sick and I want him to forget all that"

Jisung nods, his hyung is right. Seungmin is one of his best friends, same as Changbin. They all met in uni when Minho and Changbin had to share a dorm and they immediately got along. In Jisung's second year, Jisung introduced Seungmin to them.. love at first sight if you ask Changbin, who can't help but to be a whole romantic. They didn't date until the youngers' last year and have been together for almost 5 years now.

Totally different from Minho and Jisung who met in school, started dating in high school and got married in uni. They've been together a whole decade and their relationship is indeed going downhill. To say both of them don't think they rushed it, would be a damn stinky lie.

"Take him somewhere" Jisung suggests "A place he's always wanted to go or something he's always wanted to do but hasn't had the guts to"

Changbin stays silent for a second, then hums "I think I know a place I can take him to. You know he always says he's all adventurous but doesn't even dye his hair another color"

Jisung chuckles but stops when he hears the front door closing, "Hey, Bin. I gotta go, husband's home and I want a kiss"

"Gross" Changbin gags "Give him one from me"

The boy rolls his eyes chuckling again as he hangs up the phone. He turns just in time to see Minho get inside the room with his coat in hand and a tired face. He pouts when they lock eyes, Minho looks beat and about to faint. Maybe he should delay his plans and just let him rest.

"Hey" the elder greets with a plain face, he goes to the closet to set his things there as Jisung just sits on the bed waiting.

"You home really early" he casually comments trying to make conversation "Did something happen in the hospital?"

Minho gets out of the small room they adapted to be their closet, "I got covered by another doctor" he explains removing his white shirt "I wasn't feeling quite well to work so they let me come home early"

"What?!" Jisung immediately flies from the bed to his husband "Are you alright?! Why didn't you call me?! What hurts?!" he throws a bunch of questions as he touches Minho's forehead and neck.

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