Tᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Tᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎

Jisung bites his lip, heart beating fast and hands kinda shaky. He's in front of the door of his house and somehow, he feels incredibly nervous to get inside and see what Minho prepared for them. It's already night and after hours of not seeing his husband, he just wants to be with him but the idea of maybe getting into something he won't like.. well, it kinda scares him.

What if he planned something weird?

Wait no! I can't judge like that.

The male whines, "Grow up, Han Jisung. He's your husband. If you don't like something, he won't force you into it" Jisung nods to himself after saying those encouraging words.

After finally opening the door, his eyes widen and his breath cuts. The scene inside of his house is kinda overwhelming for him, making him gulp and just stare at Minho standing in the middle of the living room fully clothed and with a shy smile on his lips.

"Changbin came to pick up the boys" he informs, referring to Soon-ie and Doong-ie.

"H-He did? That's nice.."

"Do you.." Minho clears his throat "Do you like it?"

How could I not?

Jisung bites his lip again as he slowly nods, eyes moving around the room. The lights are dim, living room filled with scented vanilla candles, the large coffee table completely empty and a small one next to the couch with what looks like food and Champaign. They lock eyes for a second, before smiling and feeling all kind of nervousness slowly fade away.

Funny, right? No matter how many years pass, they still feel like their very first time.

"You googled it, didn't you?" Jisung giggles when Minho's cheeks burn.

"Pinterest actually"

The younger presses his lips together before laughing, "You sound 18 again"

"I feel 18 again" Minho admits with a chuckle.

Not wanting to delay things more, Minho gets closer to his husband while taking his t-shirt off, completely getting Jisung's attention. When they are in front of each other, the elder leans in to go directly to the shorter's neck. Jisung slightly moans, closing his eyes and just letting his husband take over.

He wants to feel spoiled.

"Take off your sweater, pumpkin"

The younger slowly nods while biting his lip. Minho moves away a bit to look at Jisung remove the piece of clothes with his eyes still shut, like if he were still enjoying the sweet kisses on his neck. The elder smiles, presses their naked and hot torsos together as soon as Jisung throws the sweater away.

"I missed you all day, Hannie~"

Jisung whines when sharp teeth bite the delicate skin of his neck, "I-I missed you too, Min~"

"Would you lay on the coffee table for me, baby?"

Of course Jisung doesn't need anything else to do as he's told. They have to pull away so the boy can walk to the center of the living room and carefully lay on the cold wooden table. His body immediately shivers, the small body hair screaming at such harsh change of temperature and his nipples kinda wanting the cold to be on them.

"Take your pants off too, Hannie"

Like in a trance, Jisung once again does as he's told. Like a good boy.. or just a really really needy one. Minho smiles looking down at his almost completely naked husband, who has his eyes shut and tips of the fingers kinda white from applying pressure on the table. Minho can tell Jisung is excited. Not just because of the tent already made in his boxers, but because his chest is going up and down so fast, he's probably gonna pass out with a simple touch.

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