Sᴇᴠᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Sᴇᴠᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎

Jisung smiles as he gets out of his car, it's a lovely day and he feels quite energetic recently -wonder why-. He locks the car and happily skips to the entrance of the building, fluffy brand new blue hair bouncing a little bit, cheeks tinting red and his gummy smile showing. Looking adorable like always. When he gets to the front desk a guy smiles at him.

"Morning!" the guy checks his watch "Almost afternoon!"

"Hi!" Jisung smiles back "Do you know where De. Lee Minho is?"

"Getting out of a surgery if I'm not wrong" the male types in his computer "Yeah, he finished around 20 minutes ago, so he's probably in the resting area"

"Can you tell me where that is? I haven't come in too long and there are like 3 of those"

The brunette chuckles, "Sure" he nods "I didn't know Dr. Lee had a brother"

"What? Oh no! I-"

"You're really pretty, actually" the boy continues, making Jisung blush "I'm Jae, nice to meet you"

"I-I'm Jisung"

"Han Jisung"

Jisung flinches at the deep voice calling his name, he turns his head to meet his husband's eyes, dark and serious. Jae just smiles at the doctor as he fixes his glasses and organizes some papers. Minho clenches his jaw but sighs after a few seconds, jaw relaxing.

"Hey, doc. Jisung here was looking for you"

"I can see that" Minho answers "Here. The papers to discharge my patient from last night" he hands Jae the papers in his hand.

"Thanks" the male smiles taking them to check everything is alright "I didn't know you had a brother, doc! He's very cute" Jae flashes a smile to Jisung.


"I only have a sister" Minho answers with a neutral tone "This" he takes Jisung by the waist "This is my husband, Han Jisung"

Jae's eyes widen, "I-" he clears his throat "S-Sorry to assume he was your brother and for calling him cute"

"I mean" Minho and Jisung lock eyes "He is very cute indeed" he smiles, making the younger blush.


Minho smiles brightly, "Come on, I'll show you the resting room"

Jae's eyes follow the couple as his cheek burn and his mouth slightly opens, this is probably the first time in his three years of working there, that he has had such long conversation with Dr. Lee. Way to go, Jae, way to go. He facepalms himself sitting down while shaking his head side to side.

"Min?" Jisung titles his head looking at his husband as they walk down the hallway holding hands.


"Are you angry?"

Minho stops in front of the elevator, "What? No!" Jisung smiles "Alright, a bit annoyed"

"Are you 15?" the younger laughs finally realizing "You haven't gotten jealous since we started dating!"

"Not true! Back in college I had my moments"

"Ah, Min" Jisung hugs his husband tightly "You know I only have eyes for you and you only, my grumpy man"

"Sorry" Minho apologizes kissing Jisung's forehead "Jae is pretty flirty but a good kid. I just didn't want you to end up not knowing what to do and giving him your phone number just to not be rude"

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