Exᴛʀᴀ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Exᴛʀᴀ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎
"The beginning"

Almost 10 years ago

Jisung looked at himself in the mirror one more time, before sighing out of frustration and turn around aggressively. He took the pillow near him and threw it as strong as possible to the male sitting on his bed.

"Hey! The fuck?!" his best friend yelled "What was that for?"

"Good! You turned around" Jisung smiled like nothing happened "Do I look good or nah?"

"Seriously? I got hit for that?"

"Hyung!" the blue haired cutely hit the floor with his foot "I'm serious"

"Hannie" Minho sighed "It's just a date, not a fashion show"

"You said people dress up nicely for dates"

"But it's a date with me.. not the freaking prince" his said in an obvious tone "Dress up with whatever you want, it's your birthday anyways"

"Can I go naked?"

Minho sighed removing the gaze from his phone one more time, "Go on. I won't lend you my jacket when you get cold and your dick looks the size of a peanut"

"Shut up!!!" Jisung took another pillow, running to Minho and climbing on top of him to hit him repeatedly while the elder just tried to cover himself.

Jisung, age 15 and Minho, age 17. Best friends for three years. That day was Sung's 15th birthday and as a present, he asked Minho to take him on a date so he wouldn't be the only one to never experience something like that since his friends already had girlfriends. But, of course, he didn't like girls and he was too shy to ask another guy out.

So Minho was the best option. After all, he always felt the most comfortable while around Minho. Like he could be himself 100%.

"Really?" Minho scoffed "Black nails?"

"What? I wanted to look edgy and badass" Jisung cutely moved his fingers, admiring his nails.

"You look cute, not badass"

"I can look badass"

"You cried when I threw a pillow at you"

"IT WAS A HARD PILLOW!!" the younger poured with glassy eyes.

"Shit, you are such a baby..." Minho sighed annoyed.. or he wanted it to look like that. He actually loved those cute pouts.

"Come on! Let's start our date before I have to come back home for the whole birthday cake thing"

"Fine fine"

Minho got up, putting his phone inside his skinny jeans' pocket and stretching his back afterwards. He actually looked forwards this date for a whole week, ever since Jisung asked him, he just couldn't stop thinking about it. And, to be honest, Minho's small crush over Jisung was gonna be a huge help for him to flirt as much as possible.

"W-What are you doing.." the blue haired asked blushing as soon as they left his house.


"Stop!" Jisung hit him playfully "I.. meant.. this" he raised their linked hands.

"What? Don't you know people hold hands on dates?"

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