Tᴡᴇʟғᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ ᴘᴛ. 2

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Tᴡᴇʟғᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ ᴘᴛ. 2 ♡︎
"Through the years"

TW M-preg (male pregnancy) and miscarriage.

March 8th, 2019

What people told Jisung was true or at least he experienced it that way. Him and Minho got married at the end of August, they didn't want something so big so just signed some papers and off to the best vacations ever. Maybe too young? Maybe, but they didn't care. But almost two years later they were both feeling off, they were both kinda giving up on their newly marriage. The love was there but somehow, everything felt like a scripted scene that would never end.

The now black haired male sighed as he started to loosen up his tie. His work wasn't the best but he was damn good at it. The best businessman out there and he loves to feel proud of himself. But again, tiring. And with Minho working all the time, getting home got quite depressing.. Jisung felt lonely.

"Hey, cuties" he smiled as soon as he spotted Soon-ie licking the new kitty, the eldest cat turned to look at his owner and meowed "You taking care of Doong-ie, champ?" he gently rubbed the cat's chin.

Meow, followed by an even smaller meow.

Doong-ie was a few months old cat Minho found on his way home, it was inside a box meowing hungry and all wet. Of course he wasn't just gonna pass by, he put the kitty inside his coat's pocket to keep it warm and went home to show Jisung the baby. Probably the most exciting moment in weeks.

"I'm gonna shower and will get you boys some food, okay?" he kept talking cutely to the cats, only getting a meow from Soon-ie as the kitty stared intrigued.

Just like a few days before, he got home earlier than usual. He was starting to feel sick, having the urge to puke and suddenly feeling dizzy. He didn't know what it was and didn't wanna alarm Minho either. But that night didn't go as planned for neither of them. Minho didn't expect to get home to find his husband passed out on the bathroom floor, seemed like he didn't even have the chance to shower before it happened.

"Please let me know as soon as possible" Minho told the doctor worried when they took Jisung away from him. Losing Jisung was probably his biggest fear.

"You good, Lee? You looking quite pale"

A brunette Minho turned around to face his co-worker, Bang Chan, the male had bags under his eyes and another cup of coffee in hand. He was staying the night shift, "I found Jisung passed out.. so I'm waiting"

"Want coffee?"

"No, thanks"

"Lee, breath. He's gonna be alright. From what you have told me, Jisung is a very strong man so I'm sure everything has an explanation and he's gonna be just perfect" the fact that Chan gave him encouraging words while having a completely emotionless face, only made Minho smile a bit.

"Thanks, Bang. I'll call his best friend"

Chan only nodded and left. Minho did call Seungmin, Jisung's best friend, but he also called his sister to chat. Two months ago he was talking to her about maybe divorcing Jisung. It wasn't like he didn't love him anymore because he did but maybe they rushed? Maybe they shouldn't have done everything so fast and recklessly.

"Mr. Lee"

He looked up to the doctor, "Dr. Yu, how's my husband?" it felt weird. It was weird saying 'my husband' after his divorce thoughts.

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