Eɪɢʜᴛᴇᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Eɪɢʜᴛᴇᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎
"Quality time"

"You are always so cute, Jisungie~" nana Lee squeezes Jisung's cheek adorably. He could be 50 and she'd still do it no matter what. She just loves to treat him like a baby "Making such adorable surprise for my Minkitty"

Jisung has to fight himself to not laugh at the nickname, "Well, I married him, nana. I have to surprise him or he'd get bored and leave me" he jokes.

"Yah! Don't say those things, Jisungie!" now it's his ear the one getting pulled "You won't divorce"

"What if- Ah! Okay okay, I was joking" he cries when she pulls harder "You meanie!"

Nana sighs shaking her head, "You dummy baby talking about divorcing, no no. That won't happen, you two love each other too much"

"We do" Jisung smiles while rubbing his now red ear.

For context, today is Minho's 27th birthday and despite the elder not liking to celebrate his birthday because he's always busy and tired, Jisung doesn't want that today. He wants him to enjoy today, to rest, eat and be happy. So Jisung has Minho's family in their house, their best friends, Felix with Rosie and the two new friends Jisung made. Only Chan and him are missing.

"Staaaa" Seungmin tries to communicate with Rosie while Changbin just stares at his boyfriend with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Daaa!" the baby giggles.

"I told you she was understanding!" the puppy like boy scoffs at his boyfriend while Felix just giggles at the cuteness.

"Yeah? And what were you talking about?" Changbin rolls his eyes.

"Oh nothing, just about how ugly you look in green"

Felix laughs loudly, "Yah, Kim Seungmin!" Changbin smacks his boyfriend head, but that doesn't stop Seungmin from laughing.

"Are we being forgotten by Felix and the precious Roseanne?" Hyunjin gasps "I am hurt"

"You always are" Jeongin rolls his eyes "Dramatic" when his eyes are back to normal, they move across the room to look for the certain short male who makes him smile shyly.

Yeah, his little crush is still there. He would never try something but he can't help his smile to grow wider whenever Jisung is doing something random.

"I need new friends" Hyunjin rolls his eyes annoyed when he notices Jeongin totally ignoring his rant about Felix replacing them and how much he wants a shot of tequila right now.

"Chae, come here!" Jisung drags Minho's sister with him "I forgot to introduce you to the new faces"

Now Hyunjin is smiling, "Hello, Hwang Hyunjin"

"Lee Chaeryeong, just Chae is fine" she shakes hands with Hyunjin while smiling.

"Y-Yang Jeongin" the shy boy next to the tall guy finally speaks up as his cheeks redden "Nice to meet you"

"Cute" Chae giggles while shaking the boy's hand, who's incredibly red now.

"I met them through Felix" Jisung explains smiling "Minho doesn't know them fully just yet"

"And you invited them?" Chae chuckles "He's gonna flip"

"Naaah!" the blue haired shakes his head "Anyways! While we wait, you can play with the cats!"

𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚖𝚎 |  𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘  ♥︎   ✔️Where stories live. Discover now