Aʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴛʀʏ? ♡︎

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"Unfortunately, our time is up" the man writes down on his notebook "But I hope to see you both here next week so we can keep talking about this issue Jisung is mentioning, alright?"

"Of course! We will be here" Jisung nods.

"Mr. Lee?"


After shaking the doctor's hand, the couple leaves the office in complete silence and going to their car to finally go home after their usual weekly hour session. The ride home is even worse, not one single word shared, not even background music or the sound of other cars since the windows are up. When they get home, Minho lets Jisung enter first, then he does and closes the door behind him; they're greeted by their two cats with a soft meow.

"I'll make lunch" Minho simply says going to the kitchen.

"Are you gonna keep acting like this?" Jisung sighs tired.

"Like what?"

"Like you stopped caring! We've been together for years, Min. We do have problems and need to solve them"

Minho turns a bit annoyed, "Going to that therapist won't help either, just so you know!" he frowns "We've waisted money on him for almost a year and we're the same!!"

"Because you don't even talk! I'm the only one talking to him AND HE ACTUALLY LISTENS!"


Jisung frowns not believing his husband, "I won't give up on us"

"We are fine!!" the elder shouts pissed as he turns to go back to the kitchen.

"Fine then" Jisung skips to find his computer "I'll have to do this myself"

When he finally finds it, turns on the device and quickly opens Google Chrome to type on the searcher.

'How to save my marriage?'

-Coming Soon-
Wanna give it a try?

Thank you for giving this story a chance.
As you've seen, this is a smut story tho it'll contain cute things too.
Of course there'll be a warning every time something might happen.
Please enjoy!
Give it a try ;)

⚠️ Important ⚠️
This is totally imaginary, I do not own SKZ or any other idol mentioned and the personality might not match the actual idol since it's all for fun and fiction! ♡
Let's remember that, it's all FICTION and this book does not intent to declare anyone's sexuality, nor relationships. It's for entertainment and nothing else.

Portuguese translation: @minminscentt

Enjoy a lot!

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