Bᴏɴᴜs ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Bᴏɴᴜs ᴛʀʏ ♡︎
"The real top"

Minho frowns, eyes closed and jaw clenched. He lets out a long sigh. Why in the hell did he agree to do this? Why? Just... why? When he said in his vows he'd do anything for his husband... yeah no, he did not mean this.

"Thank you" a shy Jisung mumbles while undressing.

But Minho doesn't even answer, he's been looking at a death point for long minutes.



Jisung sighs, "If you don't want to, we don't have to do anything"

"You sound like me when we had our first time" the elder whines getting overwhelmed "I'm not saying I don't want to"

"You look like you don't want to"

"I just-" Minho takes a deep breath "I'm kinda processing the whole situation"

"We prepared for this... are you having second thoughts?"

"No no no" as fast as he can, the brunette gets up from the bed and goes to his husband "It's not that" he sighs "More like I'm a bit nervous"

"But it's us" Jisung pouts "We trust each other"

"I trust you with my whole life" Minho smiles cupping his husband's cheeks in his hands "But weren't you nervous your first time?"

"A bit, yeah"

"Then you understand"

"I do..."

Minho leans to give his husband a kiss on the forehead. And proceeds to remove his t-shirt too. Jisung smiles, helping Minho unbutton his jeans. The whole atmosphere changes. When their lips finally meet, all kind of concerns fade away and the excitement of something new awakes.


"Thank you" Jisung mumbles against Minho's kiss "I love you"

The elder smirks, trying hard to suppress his inner dom "You better be good or I'm wrecking you afterwards"

"If you can even move" Jisung jokes.

"Getting funny, huh? I bet you won't last 2 min"

The air gets hot and their desire levels up. They are both challenging each other while aggressively removing their clothes. It's funny how they are both scared shitless but still so eager to know what's gonna happen.

"You prepared yourself?" asks Jisung while pushing his husband on the bed.

"Do not remind me the most awkward moment of my life" Minho looks away embarrassed.

"I could've helped you, baby" Jisung smirks, he's kinda liking this. He reaches for the lube bottle while making eye contact with Minho. He's got the power.

"Do it before I turn the tables"

The blue haired smirks opening the lube. He can't express how happy he is right now, he's about to combust out of happiness with what's going on. Seeing Minho all shy and kinda embarrassed, is priceless. His cheeks and ears are burning.

"Relax, babe"

"I'm relaxed" no he is not. He's stiff as hell.

Jisung chuckles rolling his eyes. He gets closer and after asking nicely, Minho opens his legs. Of course they are both horny, of course they are both hard but Jisung is the one who's beyond excited tonight.

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