Eʟᴇᴠᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Eʟᴇᴠᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎

Long shit ahead :)

Minho frowns looking at his phone again. Jisung's been silent all day, he wasn't there when Minho woke up and has been totally ignoring the elder's calls and texts. He frowns feeling annoyed. Today out of all days he had to turn into a bratty boy.. ugh. Why?

"If you keep frowning, you might take my place as the serious and scary doctor"

Minho looks up at his friend Chan, who takes a sit in front of him, handing him a cupcake, "No one can defeat you, my friend" he chuckles taking the cupcake.

"True" the elder nods "Why you so gloomy? It's the first time I don't see you with people around during a break. Since you're usually the popular mate around here"

"I think Jisung forgot our anniversary"


"He wasn't home when I left and I left pretty damn early! He hasn't answered his texts or calls, at all" his voice comes out kinda rough and hurt.

"I highly doubt that. Remember he was always the one coming to have a special lunch with you during breaks because you couldn't go home during anniversaries or birthdays?"

Minho nods, "Yeah.. maybe he got tired of spending our anniversary here"

"Who wouldn't?" Chan sighs "Just finish up early today. You're always working and always here. He also needs attention"

"Why the fuck are you so damn smart now? It's not like you're husband of the year, Bang. Felix also comes here to spend lunches with you! Even the night when he misses you a lot"

The elder has to hide his smile at the thought of his husband, "Not husband of the year, but I am dad of the year!" Chan chuckles proud as he raises his ID card hanging on his chest where a small pic of Roseanne is glued on the side with small star stickers.. and yeah, Felix did it. Though he told Chan it was their daughter to make it extra special and who's Chan to say no to that?

Minho smiles, "Yeah, the Bang family is beautiful. I get it. We all do" he rolls his eyes as Chan laughs, something not common among the other employees, who get startled by the sudden laugh "But this ain't about you, bitch"

"Oooh! Baby Minho got his butt hurt"

"Why am I your friend again?"

"No one else can handle our personalities"


They both laugh again. Chan successfully helps Minho get out of those annoying bad thoughts. He knows Jisung would never forget their wedding anniversary. That boy still remembers their anniversary together -when Minho asked him to be his boyfriend back in school- and even when they first met. So no. It's impossible. Jisung doesn't forget things like this, they're too special for him to forget.

And Minho.. well, too many procedures and medical terms inside his brain. Poor man barely remembers how to cook.


Minho stretches his back as he walks upstairs. It was a tiring day but he tried his best to finish early and even asked for a day off so he can at least spend tomorrow with his husband doing whatever. But well, this is reality and Minho sadly couldn't get the day off. Only got to work less hours and permission to arrive later than usual, which is not what he wanted but enough to at least snuggle his husband part of the morning and cook breakfast with him.

𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚖𝚎 |  𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘  ♥︎   ✔️Where stories live. Discover now