Sɪxᴛᴇᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Sɪxᴛᴇᴇɴᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎

Jisung pouts more when Minho softly pats the toddler's head and sends her off with her dad. The parent just smiles apologetic at the doctor after his daughter bit him. Minho waves goodbye and turns around as soon as he closes the door. His smile widens when the sight of his pouty husband is the only thing he sees.

"What now?"

"I want some pats too"

"Are you 5?" the elder chuckles getting closer.

"I'm 25 and I want pats" Jisung demands pouting more.

"You act like my patients"


The brunette just smiles, lifting his hand and gently setting it on top of Jisung's head, who's now smiling like a small child. Minho softly pats his husband's head a few times, before his hand falls again on the hair and he caresses it. Their eyes meet and the shiny love is there, it has always been and forever will.

"There, little one" Minho leans to kiss his forehead "You get all the pats"

"And the cheeks squeezes too?"

Minho gently squeezes Jisung's big cheeks, "Of course"

"And eskimo kisses?"

The brunette smiles, leaning to touch the younger's tip of the nose with his and slowly moving side to side, making Jisung giggle, "All of them"

"And kisses?"

"Every" a peck "single" another peck "one" another one "of" more "them" one final long peck.

Jisung just smiles, "I'm so in love~" he sighs with his eyes closed and arms around Minho's waist.

"I'm in love too"

There's a knock on the door.

"Come in" Minho shouts, pulling away from Jisung so he can turn around.

"Minho" a gloomy Chan enters the office, followed by a bright Felix and a sleepy Roseanne.

"Chan~ah" Minho smiles cutely at his friend, who makes a disgusted face in return.

"Sungieee~" Felix skips form the elders to Jisung, to give him a quick hug with his free arm and a peck on the cheek.

"Lixie" Jisung smiles back "She's all sleepy, aw" he whispers looking at Rosie slowly closing her eyes.

The blond haired turns a bit so he can set his daughter in her stroller so she can peacefully sleep hugging her koala plushie. Jisung just pouts at the baby acting all cute while sleeping as Minho and Chan discuss some work stuff.

"You know her stroller" Felix speaks up "Channie has her car seat in his office, here's the bag with all her stuff" Chan gives it away to him "Plushies, diapers, pacifier, absolutely everything"

"And her favorite toy" Chan steps in "Since her teeth are growing, she's into biting one of the toys because her gums itch"

Jisung just widens his eyes more with each word, "Holy shit, I'm not ready"

"Neither am I" Minho gulps.

"Oh, come on" the eldest smirks "You have taken care of her before"

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