Fᴏᴜʀᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Fᴏᴜʀᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎

"Are you sure this is the best?" Minho asks a bit annoyed.

"Mr. Lee, maybe having separate sessions could help us realize what the problem is"

"Maybe it's a good idea!" Jisung nods "Min, get out"


"Get ooout! I go first" the boy smiles again widely, making Minho just sigh and nod.

"Alright, call me in when you're done. I'll get a coffee" the elder leans to kiss Jisung's cheek before leaving the office.

"Alright, Jisung" the doctor clears his throat as he fixes his glasses "You seem quite happy"

"I am!"

"Oh, really?" Dr. Sun smiles "Tell me why"

"Well" Jisung blushes "We've had sex more! Min is trying his best to come home early so we can spend more time together"

"That's amazing! Is the sex frequent?"

"Hmm well, it started to be frequent around two weeks ago when I bought some toys to.. well, try and change things different. I read online it was a good idea"

"It is, indeed. Go on"

"So! It's been two weeks since that and we've done it around.." Jisung stops a second to start counting with his fingers, making the doctor silently chuckle "Eight times! We can't do it every day, of course, Min works a lot"

"But you've seen some improvement, right?"

"Yes! Very! Ever since I started reading that blog online"

"That blog is gonna cost me my job"

"Probably!" Jisung giggles, but the doctor doesn't "You know Min doesn't like coming so, who knows!"

Dr. Sun clears his throat again, "Alrgiht. Seems like setting up the flame is good, keep doing that"

"I will!"

"And remember to always have safe sex"

"Doc, we're married. We can keep the baby" they both chuckle "But got it. We're always safe!"

"I'm glad to see you this happy. I don't think I've seen you like this in a long time"

Jisung just nods, feeling the heat take over his face, "Thanks, doc"

"And remember, Jisung. Communication is very important. There must be something that is not letting you both communicate properly. Something you haven't talked about and is holding the relationship"

The young male stares at a dead point on the wall thinking.. there must be something.


"Doc says we've to talk more" Jisung mentions as they enter the house.

"We talk"

"Not that much, Min. Communication is key!" Minho chuckles closing the door and taking off his shoes "Hey, babies" Jisung kneels to pet the cats.

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