Fɪғᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Fɪғᴛʜ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎

Minho groans as soon as his eyes open. Sleeping on the couch is probably the most uncomfortable thing in the world but he had no other option. He sits up to rub his eyes and try to focus properly with the light of the day. He has a day off, finally, and even though, he's up at 6am sharp. What a shit. Minho reaches for his t-shirt on the floor to put it on quickly before standing up and stretching his hurt back.

"You want some coffee?"

The male turns to lock eyes with the girl standing near him, she's already all dressed up to go to work, hair tied up and clothes perfectly ironed, everything matching. She looks stunning as usual. Her eyebrow arches as she look at Minho, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, thanks"

"Pour yourself some then"

Minho rolls his eyes, "You little-" he sighs "Didn't expect more from you"

"I'm your sister, not your maid"

"Chae, get off my back" Minho whines annoyed "I'm already having a shitty morning. Sleeping on the couch is not nice"

"Then make up with your husband, stupid"

"Alright, Lee Chaeryeong. Stop it"

"It's not my fault you're being an ass, Minho" Chae fights back pouring more coffee into her cup "You really need to talk to him. Can't just shut up until things get better or seem like it"

"Since when did you become such smart ass when it comes to dating? As far as I know, you're still single as fuck and live with grandma"

"Hey hey" the girl points at her brother "Don't bring nana into this!"

"Just saying" Minho scoffs rolling his eyes.

"But for real, talk with him" Chaeryeong smiles at her brother as she hands him a cup of black coffee "I know you love him, Min. You two have been through thin and thick for too many years. Don't let things just get crushed for something that happened years ago"

"But it was my fault"

"It wasn't your fault. Neither was Jisung's" she sighs "Look, I know I've never been married and all my relationships have been trashy, but I do know what love is. I know some stuff, you know?"

Minho smiles, "When did my baby sister become so wise?"

"Two minutes younger, you dickhead!!" she barks, making Minho laugh at her.

"Go to work, I'll make grandma her breakfast before heading home"

"Tell her I love her and that I'll be back at 1 for lunch"

"Got it"

"Aaaand!" Chae smiles taking her things and her red thermo filled with hot coffee "I love you"

"Alright, ew. Get out!"

Chaeryeong laughs at her brother's disgusted face as she leaves the beautiful homey house. Minho sighs sitting back on the couch, sipping some of the coffee and reaching for his cellphone, the one he has had turned off since last night.

My Hannie 💙🦦 (8) missed call

Bin (2) missed call

Seungmin (2) missed call

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