Tʜɪʀᴅ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Tʜɪʀᴅ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎

Minho sighs sitting down in one of the beds of the resting room. His whole back hurts and he feels extremely tired. Being a surgeon is something he loves and it has given him great money to buy all the things he has needed, plus a great house he designed for Jisung. But it's so tiring. So tiring and so frustrating sometimes, specially since he became head surgeon and has to work even more hours. Not been able to see Jisung is hard and the lack of communication they've been having just makes things worse.

"You're here"

The doctor looks up to find one of the nurses smiling at him, she has her hair down -it's probably her break- and a pillow in her hand. Minho smiles back in a polite way, not wanting to be rude but not really interested in having a conversation. He's just too tired to even talk.

"Great surgery, doctor Lee. You always blow our minds" Olivia compliments him, going to the bed next to him.


"Are you going to the party later?"

"Doctor Shin's birthday?" Olivia nods excited "No. I want to sleep"

The girl chuckles, "Sounds like you, doc" Minho chuckles too rolling his eyes "You're married, right?"


"I don't wanna sound rude but.. why don't you wear the ring until you're off work?" Olivia asks with sad eyes. She has met Jisung before and she's from the new nurses who actually respects Minho's marriage and doesn't flirt with him.

Minho looks down at his hand, silver ring shinning in his finger, "I don't want it to get stained or to lose it. I've to remove it if I'm gonna go to surgery anyways so I'd rather keep it safe until my duties are done. I've had it for years and plan on keeping it for even more"

Olivia smiles at such cute words, "I'm sure you will" Minho smiles "Get some rest, doc. You need it"

Minho stands up, "Actually, I think I'm gonna head home. I miss my husband" the girl smiles at him "Rest well, Olivia"

"You too, doc"

At home, the atmosphere is completely different. The cats are cuddled up on the couch sleeping, their cute inside garden has been watered, house cleaned, food in the oven to be reheated and a very shy Jisung with his big eyes wide open as he stares at the toy in his hand moving.

What the actual fuck.

The box is open. Jisung didn't order much but enough for his own shy inner self to regret a little bit since he doesn't even know what the hell to do with them. He inhales deeply, taking the purple note  that was on the box and reads carefully about the toy in his hand. It's a dark purplish vibrator.

"Oh my God.."

Jisung has to gulp as he feels his forehead start to sweat. He doesn't have clothes on since he convinced himself he wanted to try at least one thing and he's still sure but feels quite shy even though he's completely alone at home. He closes his eyes and smiles, thinking about the many nights he's spent with Minho, the many kisses they've shared, the pet names, the moans, all the memories start to suddenly fog his brain as he starts to feel pressure down south.


He looks down at his member, already hard by just remembering heated moments with his beloved husband. With the toy in the first level, he carefully gets it closer to the tip of his member and immediately has to cover his mouth when a really loud moans leaves it. This is a first. He has never used a toy before and feeling the vibrations going through his length by just softly touching the tip, it's just something else.

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