Exᴛʀᴀ ᴛʀʏ

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♡︎ Exᴛʀᴀ ᴛʀʏ ♡︎
"I love you"


Minho smirks as he stands up next to the bed he shares with Jisung. His eyes divert to his gorgeous husband, who's winning on the bed. The sight is just marvelous, perfect, glorious. Jisung is tied up on the bed with handcuffs, just an apron on, sweat over his forehead, tears rolling down his cheeks, lips swollen, a really hard member and a very bright pink dildo vibrating inside his tight hole.

"I know I said I didn't want my birthday gift" the brunette licks his upper lip, "But I couldn't hold it"

"H-Hyung" Jisung arches his back as he moans.

"You are incredibly gorgeous, Han~ah"

"P-Please!" he moans again "H-Hyung"

"Yes?" Minho turns the vibration higher, earning a loud scream from his husband "Were you saying, buttercup?"

"P-Please-! Ah!"

Minho is loving this. Having control, seeing his husband whine, beg and cry out of pleasure. He's tied up, he can't do anything. Just scream, moan, arch his back and try to move his hips in seek of some friction but finding none, just air to welcome him.

"You need to tell me what you want, baby"

"M-Minho~" Jisung keeps moaning, as the vibrations go higher and higher.

"Yes, love. That's my name" the brunette chuckles. He's playing around and he's enjoying it.


Minho turns off the vibrator.

"W-Wait, no!" Jisung whines restless.

"You told me to stop, love. I do what you say" he chuckles setting the control device on the bed to remove his t-shirt "If you want more, I will give you more. If you want to stop, I will stop. Just tell me"

The younger's cheeks are completely red as his breathing continues to be uneasy, "Y-You.."

"Me?" Minho proceeds to unbutton his jeans, ready to release the beast "What about me?"

Jisung has to take a second to calm his breathing as his back muscles relax a bit, tho not enough due to the sensation still inside him. His mouth is getting dry but he's able to talk and say what he wants.

"I want to be with you"

The smirk.. that devilish smirk Jisung hates to love, "I am with you.. you gotta elaborate more, pumpkin. Tell me what you really want"

This side of Minho is always in for the beg, always in for the tease and rough play. He climbs on the bed when he's fully naked, his eyes locking with Jisung's and his member pulsing, hungry for some attention too.

"Hyung, don't be mean" the younger cries.

"Me? Mean?" the smirk is scary yet hot, Jisung gulps "Baby, I'm never mean"

Jisung grasps for some air when the next thing he feels is Minho's cold hand touching his throbbing member. The younger whines, he loves to be touched, teased and loved by his husband but being tied up and not being able to pleasure himself or touch the man he loves, it's frustrating yet exciting.

"My sweet love" Minho gets even closer, Jisung's member in hand "I love you" his smirk doesn't fade as his own member gets in contact with his husband's. Jisung cries out and muffles moan, he wants more, he wants the tease to stop.

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