Chapter 20 - the five second rule .

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My mother wandered to her bed , and I still sat quietly by the dying fire . An hour past , and the second and the third and I still couldnt help but thinking about Ian .

I rubbed my forearm and under the fire's fainting light I could see the yellow bruised that the injection had left on me , it was getting a dirty brown kind of color .

Thinking about this whole thing and how peacefully we once used to live made me furious , my mind wasnt clear . I thought about my father and the lost child , my mother's suffering and Ian being away .

I really did not have much to live for anyway . I felt a vague need to see Ian , even if it was going to cost me my whole life . It wasn't a wanted life anyway .

A thought beamed in the back of my mind , it wasnt a rational thought but it made my heart beat again and I felt alive .

I remebered the five second rule that I once read about , it says that the human brain has only five seconds to make the small daily decisions on to do or not to do . If you take more than five second the thought would be just a mere thought , I decided to take action and go for it .

I quicky stood up , my heart beating fast and before I could bring myself to rethink it I decided to say goodbye to everyone .

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