Chapter 14 - Unexpected .

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" The baby ?! " My words were barely heard . My mother was pregnant ? And she was infected too , a minute ago I was affraid to lose my mom but now Im affraid to lose both .. my mother and the child .

" Dont worry .. she's getting better ." Mr Andrew noticed the fear appearing in my eyes .

" Dont you ever talk to me again ! You fucking monster . " I yelled at him trying my best to hold the tears inside my eyes . I hated him so much , appearantly he was the father of the baby .. just the thought of it made me sick .

" This is not his fault Emma ! " That was so unexpected words from Grey . I stared at him with dark eyes , he needed to make himself clear , why isnt he mad at Mr Andrew !

I got lost in my own thoughts once again when everyone went quiet , how could Ian hide something like that from me ! He knew that my mom was infected and he was working on a cure and I'm the last person to know !! Grey on the other hand was acting odd and that made me lose my temper , I even wanted to slap him , maybe that would wake him up .

Anger's flame set fire inside of me , I did not want to lose my mom but if Im going to I need to let her know how do I feel about her now , I wanted to tell her that I hated her even if she's dying . The thought of her getting pregnant with another man's baby right after my father died is pethetic .

Lots of unspoken words gathered in my throat and I couldnt held back anymore , I gave the three of them a dark look and walked toward the guest room where my mom was .

" Emma ..You're making a mistake ! ." Ian grabbed me by the arm trying to stop me .

" Dont .. touch .. me ." I made sure to insist on everyword I said .

He took a step back , the other two called my name , I didnt answer them .

I pushed the guest-room's door wide open and walked inside , Cassandra and Unt Laura had just finished helping mom with her tepid bath . She looked exhausted and sad  , I noticed that she got thin .. I tried not to look at her belly knowing that there is another's man baby in there  , yet I did and it made me even more mad at her .

" How could you do this ! Haa ? Answer me ! If only I had my father now .. he was a great husband to you ! How can you cheat on him like that ? " I cried and so  did she.. she didn't let a word out , couple of times she parted her lips as if to talk but no words were heard .

I kept looking at her with disapointement . " I hate you ." I said at last and turned around to leave . This time I would make sure never to see her again , weither she make it alive or not .

I needed some fresh air , I hated myself for acting like that but I was so mad and I couldnt help it .. I had no one , I have never felt so broken and lonely . I sat under the cold moon's light and sobbed bitter tears .. all alone .

The day started to break and the sun sent brightful colors of a thousand shades of red . Someone sat quietly by my side . It was my brother .

He smiled at me and tapped on my back . I couldnt help but cry , my heart was shattered to pieces .

" I'm sorry .. " he said and I stared at him .

" For what ? " I asked between my tears .

" Everything .. I should of told you before , Ian said that you needed time and I agreed , but now I feel stupid ! I should of just told you ."

" Tell me what ?! " I was so curious and clueless , what was he talking about !.

" My mother was infected by the time we reached Section one .. her sypmtomes took a while to appear , and no one knew that she was injected with the PX39 and not the virus that Mr Andrew had gave us . "

" What ? " I never knew that my mom was infected  by then , she looked so healthy when we met her at Section one , plus how  couldnt she know that she was injected by the PX39 if she had been cought by the army . I was lost ..

" I'll tell you everything .. " Grey took a deep breath and then continued .
" It was not the higher forces who injected mom .. it was my dad ."

Those words paralyzed me , as far as I know only the army's brains been played to inject the locals , and my dad wasnt one of them .

Grey egnored my bewildered eyes .

" Her brain had not been damaged yet because of the baby .. somehow the PX39's structure been messed up inside my mother's system , technically the baby gave her sometime or saved her life  .. hopefully ."

" My father gave her the PX39 ?! That's ballshit !". Something was missing , I couldnt believe him .

" No , it isnt Emma . " He looked me in the eye , I saw the truth in his own . Grey was a bad liar ,  his lips always used to shake when he tell a lie . Not this time though.

" I don't get it .. my father wasnt one of the army .."

" He was not infected when he did it .. he did it on purpose ."

I wasnt really focusing on his last words , Grey told me that the baby gave her time .. that means !

" was she pregnant when he gave her the .. ? " I interrupted him , not realizing what was he still talking about .

" Yes .. The baby isn't Mr Andrew's as you think . He's our own baby brother " .

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