Chapter 30 - Instinct.

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   I could feel her unbeating heart when she moved near me , her fleshless fingers stroke against my legs and I felt the coldness of her bones at her touch .

There was something deep and instinctive about the fear she inspired in me , every single hair standing in the back of my arms and every pore in my body were all screaming one thing to my mind .

Not your mom .. she's not human .

She was going to end my life and what possible way there was to delay the inevitable, she sniffed my my legs from toes up , her hunger could feel my loud beating heart and my human flesh was a high temptation to her .

The human instinct took over me and I picked a sharp medium piece of glass , and I wish if I had never .

My mother wasn't aware that I was her own child no more , she only knew the growling in her stomach and she only felt the coldness in her bones urging her to make a happy meal out of me .

She climbed my helpless body up , as she bared her shacking teeths near my neck I pushed her away , jumped up and backed away . The instinct in me to run finally took over , and I still held the piece of glass in my hand .

She didn't stand up , instead she kept crawling helplessly toward me  .

" Mom please , I don't want to hurt you mom .." I begged her hoping to find bits of human mercy still left in her but Alas ! She was nothing but a cold dangerous corps .

I felt her bloody finger fumbling around my legs , I was frozen , my animal brain instinctively ordered me to defend myself , I tried to set my legs free and just run from the battlefield . If she was doomed to die , I wasn't going to sit here and watch her fade away like a dying ashes .

When I tried to move my legs free from her skeletal hands she pulled my legs with great force I fell helplessly on my back banging my head on the floor .

I felt numb by the pain growing in each and everypart of my body , she took the chance and climbed on top of me settling herself on my stomach . Her heavy weight made me breath hard , I was a moment away from death ..

Never did I imagine that the happiest moments of my life would end at that point , as my animal messed up brain recollected all of the sweet and bitter memories I had with my dear beloved mother , it asked me despite the love I had for her to defend myself .

I held the damned piece of glass in the air with tears filling my eyes and from my blury vision  I obeyed the message sent from my doomed brain and I killed my own mother.

The odd thing is that even when I made sure she was dead a rage grew within me and I pushed her down the floor and with the same piece of glass I kept shoving it inside multiple parts of what had left of flesh upon her bones , and I wouldn't stop .

I was amazed by the rage that I had in me , I wiped my tears away and the convincing myself this wasn't my mother but a monster she turned into I kept beating her dead corpse and kicking her bones of her body .

I ran out of breath and when I finally stoped ,  all I could see was a pile of broken shattered bones and a thick grey-shade of blood on the ground ,wet black of death smell fluid covered the wall .

Finally getting back to myself I threw the piece of glass from my bleeding hand and covered my mouth with my palm .. I realized what have I done , and there was nothing in this world that could deny the fact that I killed her with my bare hands and I'd be for ever cursed for doing so .

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