Chapter Nine - Darkness .

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  My feet dragged me back as I slowly turned around and walked outside into the darkness . I ran from that horrible view my eyes just saw .. I ran faster while dozens of thoughts clouded my brain , I lost my breath yet I did not stop , I wanted to make sure none of the two was following me .

Part of me wished if one of the infected once finds me and eat me alife , I even hoped to be injected and lose my identity. At least that would wash the disgusting image that wasnt going to leave my brain.

I had no idea where was I heading to , there was nothing but cold and darkness . The memory of my beloved father flashed in front of my eyes , I heard him loud and clear saying sorry he couldnt help it . Even in his condition he held more humanity than my mom in her normal state . I hated her so much , instead of grieving the death of her husband she was messing around with the one who killed him.

My knees were too weak to hold my weight , and the burden on my chest got heavier . I fell on the ground and sobbed bitter tears , the rain poured and I hoped it to wash my misery away .

I woke up in the middle of nowhere , the clouds drew apart letting the sun shine bright high up in the sky . I forced myself to get up and walk , I just wanted to stay as far as possible from my mother , if I only had Grey ..

I found the main road not after so long and I decided to go along with it , that probably wasn't safe but nothing was anyway..

Something moved making a noise in between the tree shadows by the side of the road , my heart jumped from fear and I froze standing still . A little girl wandered out of the shadows into the sunlight , her head was twisted to one side and one of her hands was missing .

I could hear the pounding of my ill-fated heart inside my chest , I stared at her misshapen bloody jaw that barely hung on her face while she walked past me like I was invisible . Appearantly the girl was infected , I wondered why hadnt she tried to eat me .

" the virus ! " I almost yelled at myself and the girl suddenly turned around and faced me .

God ! I've always hated myself for thinking outloud .

I tried to run but the little girl reached me and held me by my left foot.

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