Chapter 27 - The longest ride.

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   "My mom! " I was confused .

" What about my mom ! She's getting better , after she lost the child she's not really infected anymore . She's totaly safe to be with ."

I don't know why I felt angry about Ian's words .

" Before we leave you , I talked to Grey and made things clear to him . I couldn't leave without stating the fact that she is not safe , we still don't know what we are dealing with and maybe we might think that it's all gone but it actually might still be in her  system . "

The thought of my mom getting sick again made my heart jump from fear .

" We need to get back ! " I was terrefied something wrong might have happened when I was gone . I suddenly remembered the attacks she used to have now and then throught the last two months.

Ian agreed and in no time we were allready in the car heading home again .

The distance wasn't really that far but it felt to be the longest ride .

When we first parked the car in the street down the house , Kevin appeared playing out the front door .

" Emma ! " He yelled once he caught sight of me , he dragged his tiny feets down the stairs and caugh me in a fierce hug . I missed that cutie boy so much , I kissed his chubby cheeks and messed up his hair .

Ian got down on his knees and kissed Kevin then he hold him up throwing him in the air to catch him again , the three of us smiled in the middle of Kevin's innoccent giggles .

" Uncle Ian , where's daddy ? " He stopped laughing and the look on his face turned serious and worried he appeared .

" He missed you , and guess what ! " Ian said .

" What what what ? " What a lovely boy he was .

" We're taking you to him right away . "

" Yaaaay ! " As Ian put him down he ran to the house then as if he was alarmed by something he stopped and turned to us .

" But we can't leave unt Lilly alone now can we ? " My heart jumped hearing his words and my weight suddenly felt too heavy for my knees to hold .

" Where's my mom ? " I asked running inside the house .

" Emma wait .. " I egnored Ian's words and ran faster .

" Mom .. Grey .. Anyone ? . " There was no one in the house .

I heard a noise upstairs and I took quick steps following the noise , I kept calling for my mom but I got no answer .

" Emma stop ! " Unt Laura shouted rushing  inside the house from the back door .

I egnored her and headed toward the voices .

It was coming from one of the room's upstairs , I tried to open the door but it was locked . I kicked the door with all of my weight once then twice and it flapped wide open at the third kick .

From one of the corners inside the room appeared my mother , she looked so pale as I stepped inside a smell of  heavy death got inside my nose . She was sitting on the floor staring at me with scary eyes.

She opened her mouth as to shriek but no sound was heard instead she emitted a fainting whiff of odorous heavy breath that still reminded me of death .

" Mom ? " I stepped closer feeling sorry for her , I never seen her so sick .

I drew my hand back and my car keys fell on the ground making a noise that got her attention .

When I reached to the carpet to reclaim my keys my mother snapped at me , I heard her teeth crack inside her mouth , then she parted her lips with the force of her attempt to bite me .

I fell on my back when she made an attempt to stood up quickly , she sounded so odd and unhuman , her hands reached out to grab me , I fell onto my back and instinctively inched away  .

A primal sense overtook me , it no longer mattered that she was my mother , I was in danger and I needed to get away .

Hunger , famished and unresistible desire for human flesh over took her instinct while she tried so hard to grab me .. that was her whole only left existence now .

I took a step away standing up . Unable to reach me she pounded her entire body weight on the floor , and she wouldn't stop banging her head against the ground , her neck snapped back with great force that I believed there was no way she  would still be alive .

She did not stop .

When she held her face up to look at me I almost lost my balance  , she looked terrifying , her face covered with ash-colored blood all over .

This whole image was so much for me to deal with , I backed away with all my force as she tried to move near me ,and I hit my head against the opposite wall .

I did not know what happened after that ,but under my closed eyes I heard Ian's voice calling my name . Then the sound slowly faded away and there was nothing but the  silent and the dark .

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