Chapter Eight - Section One .

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SECTION one was located beyond the borders of the towns invaded by the infected army . At least we were safe from that side , we arrived there by dusk . Both of Grey and I been asleep the whole journey , and the sweet voice of our dear mother woke us up .

" Mom ! " we yelled as we rushed out of the car into her arms , she struggled not to fall down when my brother's weight and mine pushed her in a tight arm . I missed her so much , my mother always been a strong women , seeing her healthy and okey made me hopefull again.

" Our father .. " Grey sounded shattered to pieces ..
" I know .. its okey ." My mother surrounded us both in between her arms . It felt safe , I did not want to let go .

" Lets get inside .. you need something to eat ." Ian appeared in the front door of a fantasy house . It looked modern yet the farm besides it gave it an ancient luxury .

" Mom where are we ? " I asked as we stepped inside , the house was warm and nice .. it felt safe and comfortable .

" This is Mr Andrew's farm house .. " Now its called Section One . Its far behind the infected town , it is the safest place to be . We have been searching for survivors , unfortunately the people that you met at the cabin AKA Section two been injected and all of them except of Mr Andrew and Jack survived. " there appeared sadness in her tone , but soon she managed to smile and say all will be fine . I could tell that she missed our dad , she was just playing tough in front of us .. thats what mom does always , we were almost 20 years old but to her we always were the little baby-twins.

I took a shower for the first time in nine days , I was dying for it . My mother was allready making food at the kitchen when I finished , I noticed a little boy playing in the farm outside . The view was all so good to be true, the mountains and the autumn tree leaves falling down , all united to make a perfect image of an ancient forgotten old dream of mine .

"You want me to help ? " I offered and mom asked me to cut the carrots . The little boy playing outside was Jack's son , his mother had been infected . I felt sorry for him when mom told me how he always ask about her .

Food was ready , Mr Andrew , Ian and Jack were outside when mom asked Grey to call for them .

Two other women were in the house with us , Ian's little sister Cassandra , she was 17 years old . She was pretty , we got along and became friends at so short a time . The other women was rather old and moody , Unt Laura we called her . She was a survivor and Mr Andrew found her lost in the same woods Grey and I were found .We all were like big happy family , Kevin the little boy brought joy into the house . He was adorable .


A week had passed , we were so little of survivors but we never lost hope . All what kept us attached to the outside world was the car's cracked radio . Same instruction and same news , day after day.

My mother and Unt Laura kept themselves busy making food . While Grey joined the other men in their journey , they searched for survivors in the nearby areas and twice a week two of them along with Mr Andrew take risks to get to the town and get the needed stuff .

These awefull nightmares about my father blaming me for his death caused me so many sleepless night . I woke up one rainy night gasping for air , the nightmare was over and I was wide awake yet the pain never subsided . My father was gone , for ever and for all .

Ian was the only one I told about these nightmares , he was so nice to me and he gave me medecines which appearantly didnt really help but having someone to talk to helped , a lot .

I walked downstairs hoping to find him still awake , there was a noise in the kitchen . I slowly pushed the door open , and slowly the shape of two human beings appeared by the counter . From the tall fram and solid arms of the man I realized he was Mr Andrew , the other figure was of a women's , she was sitting on the kitchen's table folding her legs around his body . While Mr Andrew leaned to kiss her deep I gasped and they both heard me , stopped and turned around .

" Mom ? ." The word leaving my lips was rather seen than heard.

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