Chapter 37 - Two dead bodies.

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   nothing had happened through the last three sleepless night , we often sent a flashlight on and off through the darkness above the night sky , but we got no answer .

It's been a bitter battle between reality and holding the little bits of hopes that we had left , and for now it was just Ian and I , the last two persons on the miserable earth we felt to be .

Ian and I climbed into the bed by dawn , we've decided to stay up all night watching the far island in the ocean ahead , by the end of the night we went to bed exhausted mentaly and phisically tired .

I fell emmidiatly asleep at the moment my haid made contact with Ian's chest , I'd always slept on his chest and it made the unwanted nightmares disappear .. at least for the past few days .

In the midst of my miserable nightmare that morning I saw my mother , heard her loud and clear calling me a cursed child , rage grew within me as if a whole other person lived inside my own body and wanted to pop out and kill her . The word cursed really effected in in an odd way , it made me furious and even after waking up from my nightmare and leaving the bed I still was angry at the sound of that word .

I made my way to the small fridge standing in the far corner of the kitchenette , not that we had electricity , we just used it as copboard . I took a glace out and filled it with the spring water that been really delicious and refreshing , I heard a noise outside and my heart sank in the ground beneath my feet .

As I pushed the cottage's front door wide open I couldn't believe my own eyes, and for the longest time I just stood there unblinkingly , this couldn't be happening  . I felt that the earth has stopped turning but no matter how much it seemed like it , it actually hasn't and no matter how hard my brain tried to deny the image in front of my eyes the scene surrounding me spoke of a diffrent story .

Down the hill lay a corpse of what appeared to be an old women , and old women whome I knew so well , and not far away from where she lay had been a dead little's boy body , his left leg had been eaten up to the bones .

The old lady's legs were in dusty casts , she'd been able to drag herself only enough to feed herself on the little's boy flesh  before they both died down the hill leading to our cottage .

I felt a vague need to throw up , and I rushed to the bathroom , my stomach flipped and I screamed in pain feeling my gut twisted , Ian heard me and came running to the bathroom .

" Honey are you okey ? " He sounded worried .

I held my breath as the pain once again recocheted through my gut .

" Where does it hurt ? " Ian asked knowing that I can't talk , I just poined to my belly .

Ian was worried and confused , he sensed the intensity of pain I had been through , he picked me up and slowly lay me on the bed .

" Probably you're having a food poisening , hang in there I'll be back " He rushed out of the room , while his fegure disapeared the pain blocked me from recalling the horrid image I've seen outside .

" Ian ! " I screamed as the pain went total , there was no room for patient in me , I couldnt take it anymore .

" Take this .. " he placed a pill inside my mouth forcing me to swallow it , he knew how much I hated medecines .

As I fell back onto the bed Ian lifted my shirt and rubbed my abdomen with a cold jelly , I felt relaxed and after a while the pain started to fade away finally .

I remembered the scene I've witnessed outside the cottage and my heart beats raised , the look on my face was terrifying , Ian sat by the bedside besides me taking my hand in his he asked ..

" What is it ? Does it still hurt ? ."

" No . " I said coldly as my mind casted upon the two dead  bodies outside .

I didn't know how to say it to Ian .

I really didn't know how to express any of it , any combination of words wouldn't be able to encapsulate the reality of what had happened outside .

When I finally got back to myself and the pain in my stomach eased away giving me a chance to actually breath normally I decided to let it out the short way , he would find out as soon as he step outside of the cottage .

" Ian , something horrible did happen .. " I started at last .

" What is it ? " He was dead worried .

" Unt Laura and Kevin are both dead .. "

" What !! " He shook the idea out of his mind trying to find a way to deny what I had said .

" How do you .. did you see them ? "

" Yes . " I cut short .

" I don't know how did they got here , but appearantly Unt Laura got infected and before reaching the cottage she fed her hunger on Kevin's flesh .. I saw their dead bodies Ian , they are down the hill . "

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