Chapter One -Into the woods

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"grey ! " They called upon us as we ran into the woods , both Grey and I did not know where we were or where were we  going . It was falling dark and the cold breezes from the trees made it so hard for us to keep runing .
Its been seven days since we left our home .. we were lost and helpless , a pair of desperate miserable kids  trying to run for their life.

It was allready after sunset when the voices were not yet heard and the sound of the heavy bootsteps drew far behind ,  Grey stopped running and called after me .

"Emma ! Look there's a cabin in there "
I immediatly looked at where Grey pointed with his fingers , I saw a light of joy in his eyes . We both were starving , tired and in desperate need of a shelter .

As we stepped in front of the cabin , a candle light faintly burned in the window . We stopped , both breathing hard.

This was it ! We are going to die . " it's them ! " sad words left my lips as I held my brother's arm tight like a frightened child .

" They might be clean .. Dont lose faith yet ! ..I knew it , I knew there's people out there who are not infected" . Grey words sent a flame of hope into my spirit and I suddenly remembered our parents , If I only knew if they were still alive or .. dead .

Grey noticed the tears shining in the corners of my eyes .. he folded his arms around me and I let the tears drop . I was so sad and I didnt have the time to grieve , we have been runing since the begining of this miserable invasion , neither of us did not had the time to process what was happening to our world .
I heard him cry as well and we both sank into the melancholy tears of our tragedy.

" put your fucking hands up or I'll blow your heads off " a harsh voice came from the back of the cabin as a middle aged man appeared with a large pistol in his hands .

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