C15-Paige and Pizza

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Ashley's POV

The pizza arrived and we all sat with plates watching the TV.There was a knock on the door so Harvey went to open it and see who it was.Whoever it was it was a girl as we could hear flirty giggles.Finally Harvey came back in the room."Leo there's a girl at the door for you,"Harvey said sitting back beside me.Leo got up a little unsure and walked to the front door. He came back in with a girl with long blonde hair in her face."Guys,this is Paige..."Leo mummbled.Me,Evie and Charlie's jaws dropped,"You'll cath flies close your mouths!"Paige laughed.I couldn't believe he let her in! After what she's done she shouldn't be near us.Paige sat down next to me and game me a smug grin.I just wanted to slap her caked up face.Leo sat next to her and she leaned on his chest.Everyone stared in confusion.Joey looked at me with a face like 'what's happening...?' I shrugged and ignored them.Paige had been kissing Leo for like half an hour.How could he let her do this!? I held in my tears and pretended that the date and everything earlier didn't happen.The boys noticed I was really uncomfortable and kept giving me looks.Out of the blue Evie said,"Ashie can we talk?"I nodded and walked out into the hall with her."I thought you and Leo are dating...?"she asked.I shrugged and sniffled a bit."Awww my baby is upset?"she cooed trying to make me laugh.I let out a giggle but tears flooded out with it.Evie hugged me and whispered,"He doesn't deserve you."I asked her if we can go and she said yea."Right,let me get mum to pick us up cause I ain't carry all these shopping bags home!"she laughed phoning her mum.Me and her put our jacket and shoes on and entered the living room."Where you to going...?"Andy asked."Home,"Evie smiled checking the time."Oh,we'll miss you :("Harvey frowned as the others nodded."Don't worry I'll look after these plonkers!"Paige butted in.We all looked at her awkwardly till Ryan started laughing so we all joined it but it was still weird...We hugged all the boys and Evie hugged Paige so I copied her but Paige dug her sharp nails into my back.I let out a little squeal of pain and she giggled slightly,well more a cackle like a witch.Oh wait,she is a witch -.- We put our bags in the boot and drove home.

Looks like Paige and Leo are together?
Put in a twist and ended this update here because I'm evil MUHAHAHA! xD
Add to library and vote to see the next update which might have different POV's to explain what happened with Leo and Paige!!!!!!

-Jorgie xxx

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