37-Don't Jump!

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Ashley's POV
(Attempted suicide included)

Me and Leo had searched for ages till we passed the park to see a crowd around the bridge which was surrounded with deep water.We gave each other unsure looks before hearing over to see what all the commotion was about.As we got closer we noticed them all mostly teens with their phones out recording.Because of the fact me and Leo were smaller then a lot of them Kent we couldn't actually see what was happening.I couldn't condemn the suspence any longer.I grabbed Leo's hand and rushed through the mash of kids.I then saw what they were watching..."Charlie!"I squealed at the sight of Charlie stood on the bridge rimb staring into the water underneath.Charlie was concentrated on the lake to even see who was yelling his name. Leo was panicking beside me being completely useless,"Call Karen,the police and -"I ordered but before I could carry on Leo was already dialing the numbers.I turned back to Charlie who was still on the edge of the bridge rimb."Charlie...its Ash,"I began slowly while tiptoeing towards him."Ashley leave me,"he sighed."Not until I know what your planning,"I protested trying to raise my voice."Jump...die,not have to live this painful life..."he replied as if what he said was totally normal."Why?What do you think your family will be like?Your bambinos?Me?Or Leo?He's already panicking and you know how emotional he is...."I said."I just can't so this..."he began to tear up."I'm gonna do it...Goodbye Ash,goodbye world!"he yelled."Don't Jump!"I screamed tears running down my cheeks.SPLASH!

Hope you guys enjoyed this update!Sorry I've been taking my time trying to think of something good.Vote,Comment and add to library if you like this story so far.

-Jorgie xxx

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