C5-Tears,Sleepovers and midnight texting

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Ashley's POV

I stood there not moving,not blinking not even believing. I couldn't believe that in front of me Leo was kissing the girl from Starbucks.Tears were threatening to spill but I held them in and turned around and walked out.I couldn't help but cry while trying to find the girls."Can we go now?"I asked Zia wiping my eyes."Not yet Charlie took Evie off som-wait are you crying?"she questioned."I'm fine,I just want to get out of this place."I croaked."You wait outside with Mia and Kay,I'll go finbd her,"Zia reassured walking away.We went outside and they asked if I was okay and what happens so I explained. I still don't understand why I got upset I'm not even dating him...but I wish I was

Leo's POV

As soon as I noticed Ashley see me and Paige I stopped kissing her.I don't know why I did it.I knew that Paige flirts with every guy.She flirted with my best mate this morning!I felt extremely guilty and went after Ashley but it was so crowded I couldn't find her."Have you seen Ashley?"I asked Carlie and Evie who seemed to be back together,"She came looking for you the last time I saw her."Charlie shrugged and carried on talking to Evie.I didn't know what to do anymore.I decided to leave getting dirties off of Mia and Kayla who were with Ashley at the time.She just looked at me and I saw a tear dribbled Dow her cheek. I bowed my head in shame and walked home,luckily I only lived a road away so I wasn't in the dark for to long.

Ashley's POV

As Leo passed by I felt a tear come down my face,how could he?But Kay and Mia gave him a few dirty looks so he carried on walking with his head bowed.I felt upset for him but angry at the same time.I decided to forget about it as Zie,Charlie and Evie walked out the house."Enjoy your sleepover girlies,"Charlie said kissing Charlie's cheek and left.Mia called her and Zia's mum to pick us up so we waited outside for a while.

~At the sleepover~

We we're now in our onsies after having to go tyo each others houses and get a few stuff."What shall we do?"Kay asked."Movies?We have popcorn down stairs and there's a stack of DVDs in my room"Mia responded."Okay,"we agreed grabbing some films.We decided to watch The Fault In Our Stars,Mean Girls and Pitch Perfect.Zia had an amazing room (on the side) she had a wall full of photos and cute swirly decorations.She had a small cabinet that had her TV oin it and a few books.The st part was the bed!It was so big and in the centre on the room.It was a sofa/bed type thing and her quilt had pokadot patterns to match her pillows.It was perfect she's so lucky!We arranged the pillows so we would all fit oin the bed facing the telly and then Kayla put in the Fault in the stars.The order went:Kayla,Me,Zia,Mia and Evie on the end.By the end of the movie we were crying our eyes out. We were so tired after the party we decided to go straight to sleep,well the other girls did.I didn't,I couldn't,I kept thinking about Leo.I wanted to take my mind of off him so I got my phone out and checked my notifications.I had 16 texts from Leo and as I tried to ignore them he kept sending more.I gave in and we started talking.

(A-Ashley L-Leo)

L-Finaly you answered me xx
A-Yea...What do you want??
L-I want to say soz for the party and stuff, I dunno what I was thinking forgive me?
A-Alright but no more chances!
L-Haha xx I love you princess
A-And I love you Leo xx

We talked all night until my battery went low so I said good bye and he called me BABE!!!!!!What am I thinking? He called me princess earlier it probably ment nothing...but I wish it did mean something

Hi so I hope you liked this update and I promise there will be more better drama but its only the starting point so I can't make everything to dramatic.

Questions of the update:
Does Leos cute nicknames for Ashley mean anything?
Will Charlie and Evie get together.. Or are they already?
And will Leo Ashley start dating??

I will update soon as I can because I'm enjoying writing this

-Jorgie xx

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