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Saturday, May 24th, 2014

What's on Noah's mind?

That was a recurring thought, playing over and over in Theo's mind as they stood at the ticket counter. Noah stood beside him looking absentmindedly at the sign above the counter that displayed the time they'd get the ferry to Kowloon in Hong Kong - 11:30 am.

Noah suddenly turned to him, interrupting his train of thought, and said, "I have some plans early tomorrow, so I might have to sleepover at my place tonight after we get back." He seemed hesitant as he said that. Cautious almost.

"That's fine. I understand," Theo felt like a weight had been dropped in his stomach. He wished he didn't have to part ways with Noah that night, because he knew that something was wrong.

"Sorry that I had to cut our weekend plans short. Something came up for tomorrow and I can't really say no..." Noah tried to explain himself and he seemed frustrated and somewhat anxious about the circumstances as well.

"You don't need to apologize. I've got you all of today anyway, so I'm already happy," Theo gave Noah a reassuring smile. Noah smiled back just as the person at the counter left and they were the next in line to buy the tickets.

"Two tickets, please," Noah said to the lady at the counter.

Theo gave Noah his share of the payment for the tickets and Noah grabbed his own wallet to pay for his ticket. Once they'd acquired the tickets, they crossed the customs area to head to the waiting area at the boarding gate of the ferry.

"Oh man, I haven't been to Hong Kong since last year," Theo said as he looked at the ferry they would soon board through the large glass windows.

"I went there in February for my friend's birthday. Speaking of him, he'll probably be pissed off when he finds out I went to Hong Kong without telling him," Noah chuckled, as he joined Theo and gazed through the window.

"Aren't you going to tell him?" Theo looked at Noah.

"Nah. I just want it to be the two of us this time. You can meet him another time," Noah smiled at him and Theo brightened at the thought of meeting Noah's friends.

Before Theo could say anything, a voice announced that the ferry was ready for boarding. The two men waited for the crowd to go in first, before getting in line and showing their tickets to the person at the gate.

Once they were at the outdoor area before boarding the ferry, the two men decided to smoke a cigarette, as they wouldn't be able to smoke until they arrived in Hong Kong. "I'm almost out of smokes. Should've gotten another pack earlier. They're more expensive in Hong Kong," Noah sighed as he put his pack in his pocket and lit his cigarette up.

"I bought a brand new one, so I should have enough for both of us this trip," Theo said as he lit his own cigarette up.

"Oh great, thanks."

"We never really decided on a wager for our bet. The one to quit smoking," Theo said as he exhaled a smoke cloud.

"You're right. Maybe it's a sign from the universe telling us not to quit," Theo laughed at Noah's comment.

"Or we just don't have the self-discipline to commit to this healthy goal," Theo gave Noah a knowing smirk.

"Possibly. There is always next time," Noah's mood seemed lighter as they exchanged friendly banter.

Once they'd finished smoking, they boarded the ferry and looked for their seats. Noah got a window seat and Theo sat right next to him. Luckily, nobody sat beside them.

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