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Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

MON AT 11:56 PM

Hey still up?

Just got home from the shoot now

I guess you're already asleep

But i wanted to share this with you

Noah sent a photo.

Talk to you tomorrow

Good night x

Theo had ended up falling asleep around eleven the previous night, feeling tired after a long day of work, but he smiled as he read Noah's messages in the morning, particularly at the photo Noah had sent him. It was a photo of Noah wearing some high fashion clothes, posing at an angle with his back leaning against a wall, exuding an air of elegance and confidence with a hint of a rebellious bad boy. Theo couldn't help but bite his bottom lip, feeling slightly turned on by the photo, as he replied to the message.

TUE AT 7:12 AM

Good morning :)

This made my morning

You look sexy af in that photo

I wish I could see you right now

I also checked the song you sent me and it's so good!

What are you doing to me, Noh? Theo thought to himself before taking care of the small tent that had formed beneath his boxers. Luckily, he'd gotten up before his alarm clock rang, so he had time to spare.

Once he'd climaxed and come down from the ephemeral high he experienced from the dopamine release, he headed into the bathroom to have a shower.

As he lathered his body with soap, he noticed his muscles weren't as toned as they'd been when he was working out more regularly. He'd slacked off a bit in the last few months, only occasionally going for a jog. He knew Noah worked out in the morning before work to stay in shape and he wondered if he should start working out more often. Maybe he and Noah could work out together on the weekend...

There he was, making plans again as if he and Noah were already dating. He still didn't know where they stood, but it almost felt like they were together, even though they hadn't talked about it. But the song Noah had sent him had given him hope.

He quickly finished his shower, got dressed, and had a green smoothie for breakfast before heading to work. On the way to work, he smoked a cigarette and listened to the song Noah had sent him. He'd downloaded it the previous night as well as some other songs Noah had introduced to him over the last few weeks. Listening to those songs made him feel closer to Noah when he couldn't be around him.

His good mood didn't go unnoticed by his colleagues. Amy, the colleague who sat next to him, asked him if something good had happened. Theo just shook his head and said that he just woke up in a good mood. He didn't really give his colleagues a lot of details about his personal life because he didn't know what their views were on same-sex relationships. Instead he usually just engaged in casual small talk with them or talked to them about work.

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