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Friday, April 11th, 2014

It was a particularly humid day and Theo was longing for a shower. He sighed a breath of relief the moment he stepped into his house and felt the cool air of the air conditioner. Alice had already arrived and was sitting in front of the TV watching a show on Netflix.

"Hey Allie," Theo greeted his friend, whose attention was fully captured by the scene on the screen.

"Hey Theo," Alice said, only somewhat acknowledging Theo's presence. The scene she was watching appeared to be filled with suspense.

"What are you watching?" Theo asked as he unbuttoned the collar of his shirt.

"Black Mirror, care to join?" Her eyes were still glued onto the screen.

"Maybe later. I gotta shower first. Have I ever mentioned to you how much I hate humidity?" He poured himself a glass of water to quench his thirst before heading to the bathroom.

"Basically almost every day. Now, shut up! I'm trying to watch the show!" Theo rolled his eyes and stepped into the bathroom. Whoever ended updating Alice would have to compete against her beloved TV shows for her attention. Whenever Alice wasn't teaching, lesson prepping, or partying at one of the bars or nightclubs of Macau, she was glued to the TV screen, watching a vast range of TV series. Things had changed a bit recently, as Alice was spending more time with Jamie, a lady Theo had first been introduced to by his friend on one of their nocturnal soirees at the D2 nightclub the previous month.

Theo stepped into the bathtub and let the water cascade down from the showerhead, washing the sweat and the stress of the week away. Every so often his thoughts would linger on that night at the D2 Club, on the visual reminders of the bewitching performer - those taut and smooth abs moving to the beat of the song, those plump inviting lips igniting a fiery lecherous craving deep within the grey-eyed boy, those warm challenging orbs gazing back at him as he swayed on the stage, daring him to act on those lustful urges.

As those thoughts permeated his mind once again, his hand roamed downwards, grasping onto his partially engorged member. Life had gotten in the way and he hadn't set foot in that sinful haven since his last nocturnal escapade. He also hadn't managed to get laid and in these moments of bathroom introspection, he found some solace in his right hand. The water splattering on the bathtub surface concealed the faint grunts and moans flowing out of Theo's lightly parted lips.

Maybe he would check Grindr out after the shower.

Upon washing away the remnants of his release, he stepped out of the bathtub and dried himself off. He looked at the mirror and scrutinized his appearance. Although he didn't have washboard abs or the biggest biceps, Theo was aware that he wasn't exactly unattractive either. A lot of his previous partners had complimented his gray eyes, saying they were his most alluring feature. Others told him they made him appear cold. His curtained hair was a light shade of brown, easily standing out in a place where the predominant hair color was much darker. He flexed his muscles, trying to achieve a look that would best resemble the archetype of masculinity. Looking at himself failing to look like the Greek god he was trying to impersonate, he wondered if he should take some sexier photos for his Grindr profile. Would that improve his chances of getting laid?

With that thought in mind, he tried taking a couple of photos, showing off his body, but wasn't satisfied with the results. His posture resembled that of a knock-off version of a fuck boy minus the cocky demeanor. As an experiment, he decided to choose the one that made him cringe the least and uploaded it as a profile photo before he finished drying up. He wrapped a towel around his waist before exiting the bathroom and stepping into his bedroom to put some clothes on. After getting dressed, he sat on his bed and checked his phone. He had received a message from a guy on Grindr.

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