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Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

As the light shone through the blinds, bathing the two men in a subtle golden glow, Theo looked at Noah's blissful sleeping face. His inviting slightly pouty lips, his tousled chocolate hair, his relaxed eyebrows. He wished he could capture that moment and stare at it forever.

It was already half-past eleven. It was quite late by the time they'd fallen asleep. Theo had woken up a bit earlier with Noah's arms wrapped around him and just remained at Noah's side for a few minutes watching his beloved in a peaceful slumber.

Eventually, the urge to pee took over and he carefully left Noah's warm embrace to go to the bathroom. As he'd already gotten up, he thought about preparing a delicious brunch for him and Noah. He'd bought some things at the supermarket the day before, so he decided he'd check a recipe online that he could make with the ingredients he had and hope for the best with his subpar cooking skills. He'd try to do his absolute best to impress Noah.

After using the bathroom, he headed into the kitchen and looked at the ingredients he had in the fridge. He'd bought some eggs, potatoes, red onions, garlic, and bell peppers the previous day, and he noticed he had some leftover chorizo that Alice had bought earlier that week. He could make a potato hash with those ingredients. It couldn't be too hard, could it?

He grabbed a knife and a chopping board and started chopping the potatoes, red onions, garlic, chorizo, and bell peppers and cracked some eggs into a bowl to whisk them. After preparing his mise en place, he grabbed a frying pan and drizzled some olive oil in it before turning on the stove.

He wasn't sure what ingredients should go in first so he put the chorizo, onions, garlic, and bell peppers in first, hoping for the best, before adding the potatoes. He seasoned it with salt, pepper, chili powder, and Italian herbs, trying his best to nail the seasoning. Once one of the potato cubes was crispy, he gave it a taste and saw that it lacked some seasoning so he added a bit more of the spices he'd added. As soon as the potatoes were to his liking, he scrambled the eggs in the same pot, mixing them with the potatoes. When the eggs were cooked, he transferred the breakfast hash to two clean plates.

Hopefully, he likes it, Theo thought to himself as he looked at his creation with pride. It was a simple recipe, but it was one of his best attempts at cooking. Just as he was about to head into the bedroom to wake Noah up, he heard Noah's voice coming from behind him, "Morgen, smells good in here."

"Morning, I've made us some brunch," Theo gestured at the plates. He noticed that Noah wasn't limping anymore. His heart ached whenever he saw Noah in pain, so seeing him feeling better made him feel relieved.

"Oh wow! This looks so good! I thought you didn't know how to cook," Noah raised an eyebrow at Theo suspiciously.

"I hope it tastes good 'cause I just chucked it all into the pan and hoped for the best," Theo chuckled nervously.

"If it tastes as good as it smells, I'm sure it'll be tasty," Noah gave Theo a sleepy lazy smile. Theo loved seeing Noah's smile. Whenever he smiled, it was as warm and as beautiful as a summer sunrise.

"I guess you'll have to wait and see. By the way, what do you wanna drink? We have coffee, milk, orange juice, and water," Theo asked.

"I'll have some coffee, thanks," Theo added as he yawned a bit.

"One coffee coming right up! Can you take these to the table while I make us some coffee?" Noah nodded and carried both of the dishes to the living room.

Theo quickly prepared two mugs of coffee, pouring some milk into his before asking Noah if he wanted his coffee black like the last time, to which Noah replied with, "Yes, please."

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