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Saturday, December 27th, 2014

Theo was running late. He and Noah had agreed on meeting up at Noah's after his performance to have dinner together before Alice's birthday. Noah finished work at half-past seven and headed home straight after to prepare something quick for dinner. He lived closer to Sky 21, where they were going to have some drinks with their friends, so they thought it was better than having dinner at Theo's.

"Sorry, stuck in traffic. Might be a bit late." Theo sent a quick text to Noah when he saw that he was not going to arrive on time. It was almost nine - the time they'd arranged for dinner - and he was still a few minutes away from the bus stop.

"No problem. Still cooking." Noah replied a minute later.

It had been five months since Noah had gotten the job at the House of the Dancing Water. The first few weeks, he didn't perform as he had to rehearse a lot. He finally had his first performance in October and Theo had gone to see it. Noah had been absolutely amazing and Theo couldn't be any prouder. He could tell that although Noah was working long hours during the week, he was a lot happier in his new job. He felt fulfilled.

As a result of his full schedule, he was only able to do two dance lessons per week at Mia's dance school, which he did on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, his only days off. Mia had been understanding about it and had managed to find someone to replace Noah in his other classes.

He'd also reduced his therapy sessions to once a week. Theo could tell that Noah was feeling a lot better. His wounds were healing. The scars were still there, but with therapy and Theo's support and care, they were becoming fainter. He still experienced bouts of extreme anxiety about knowing that he would have to confront the man who'd blackmailed and sexually assaulted him in court, but he tried not to think about it in his daily life.

The man had been intercepted when he crossed the border over to Macau and was questioned by the police. He'd denied all the accusations, as Noah and Joel had expected, but Noah decided to go ahead with the case. There was still no scheduled court date, but Joel was helping him build up a strong case against the man.

Theo stared out of the window, anxiously tapping his feet on the ground, telepathically urging the bus to move faster so he could get off at his stop and see Noah. Although they'd only been apart for a few hours, he craved to see Noah's mischievous smile. The smile he'd been drawn to from their first encounter. The same smile that would invite lecherous thoughts into his mind.

He was suddenly reminded of the first time he and Noah slept together again. It had taken Noah months before he was comfortable going beyond foreplay with Theo, but in October, on his birthday, he asked Theo if they could give it a try. Theo was happy to oblige and allowed Noah to take control, knowing that it would help him feel more at ease.

It was a precious memory Theo would cherish for the rest of his life. It had felt like touching each other for the first time. So tender and hesitant at first and yet so fiery and ardent once they started to recall each other's bodies. They'd missed each other's touch, they missed the feeling of fitting together like two perfect puzzle pieces. So when their bodies finally intertwined, they created a magnificent work of art, they created magic.

And Noah's beaming smile as they came down from their high was as dazzling as a colorful sunset after a rainy day.

Theo couldn't help but grin at the memory. They'd been intimate many other times after that first time, but he would forever treasure that specific night in his heart.

He was so caught up in reminiscing that he almost missed his bus stop. He quickly got up and managed to get off the bus before the door shut.

As he made his way towards Noah's building, he started anxiously thinking about something he wanted to mention to Noah. Alice had told him the week before that she was moving in with Jamie at the end of January. They were basically already living together and decided that it was best to just make the move official.

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