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Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

"Hey, are we still down for later?"

Theo read Liam's message as he smoked a cigarette during his afternoon cigarette break. He and Liam hadn't been talking as much in the last few days as Liam had been quite busy with farewell parties and family gatherings as well as sorting things out before his trip. He'd also been on a few dates and told Theo about them, having no one else in Macau with whom he could talk about those experiences.

He'd actually forgotten about their plans to meet that evening, but luckily he was available, so he replied with, "Yeah, where do you wanna meet?"

Liam's reply was quick, "How about at the Old Tavern?"

Theo typed out his reply, "Sure, is 8:30 pm okay for you?"

"Perfect :) See you later!"

Theo stubbed his cigarette out on the overflowing ashtray of the team member smoking area before going back inside the building and returning to his office.

Noah had texted him some more photos from the photoshoot earlier that day and they'd left Theo in a good mood all day, but they also made Theo yearn even more for Noah. Only one more day, he thought, looking forward to surprising Noah at the book shop.

The rest of his shift flew by and soon he was clocking off and leaving the office. He texted Alice to see if she was around Taipa to have dinner with her, but she replied, "No, I'm having dinner at Jamie's."

He decided to eat something on the way to the Old Tavern after going home to shower and change his clothes. By 8 pm, he was having dinner at a small noodle restaurant not too far from the Old Taipa Village.

Noah was teaching a dance class, so he wasn't replying to Theo's messages. Theo sometimes wondered how Noah had the energy and time to work out, work at the book shop and dance school, cook, and still dance at D2. Noah had mentioned to him that he eventually wanted to leave his D2 gig because working at night was getting draining and he wanted to try dancing at other places. Deep down, Theo liked that idea, as he knew Noah could do better than D2.

After finishing his meal, he paid and walked to the Old Tavern, which was only a ten-minute walk away. He arrived five minutes early and texted Liam, letting him know he'd already arrived.

"Hey, Theo," he heard someone call from behind him. He turned around and saw Liam walking towards him. Liam had a big smile on his face and looked happier than ever. He'd also grown his beard out, compared to the stubble he'd seen the last time. It had been a while since Theo had seen him, as he'd been so busy with Noah, but he was glad to see his friend in such high spirits.

"Hey, Liam. Long time no see," he suddenly noticed a slight bruising on Liam's neck, "Is that a hickey?"

Liam blushed a bit when Theo pointed it out, "Is it that noticeable? I met up with a guy last night and he really liked biting."

"You horny dog," Theo teased his friend with a playful grin, "was it good at least?"

"Really good. Definitely a nice way to celebrate my last day at work," Liam smiled, "Man, I've missed out on Grindr all this time. It's been quite a month."

"I can imagine. You've sure been busy," Theo could see just how much Liam had changed in the last month. He seemed younger, almost as if exploring his sexuality had revitalized him, "shall we head in and get some beers?"

"Sure, sounds good."

They went into the bar and bought a pint of beer each before heading back out to the outdoor tables and sitting on the stools. Theo fished a cigarette from his packet and Liam asked if he could have one as well.

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