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Saturday, April 19th, 2014

"Would you like to drink the Somersby you left here on Monday?" Liam asked Theo once they had put their underwear back on. After Theo arrived at Liam's place, it didn't take long until their bodies were entwined, indulging in some lustful activities.

"Sure," Theo smiled admiring Liam's back as he walked out of the room and headed towards the kitchen. Theo followed Liam out of the room just as Liam was exiting the kitchen, a bottle in each hand.

"Here you go," Liam handed Theo the bottle of cider.

"Cheers," the two men clinked their bottles before taking a sip, "by the way, do you have a balcony or something?"

"Sadly, no, but if you want to smoke, I can just open a window," Liam suggested.

"Are you sure? I mean, I don't mind not smoking either."

"Yeah, as long as you let me have one as well," Theo smiled at Liam's subtle request.

"Okay," Liam got up and opened the windows of the apartment and grabbed an ashtray, "So, you smoke as well?"

"Sometimes... I guess I'm kind of a social smoker," Theo handed Liam a cigarette before grabbing one for himself, "Thank you. Have a seat."

Theo sat down and lit his cigarette before handing the lighter to Liam, who lit his own after placing the ashtray on the coffee table in front of them next to their drinks. Theo looked at Liam standing before him as he took a puff, thoroughly savoring the sight. Liam was definitely one of the most attractive men he had ever been with. "See something you like?" Liam was smirking at Theo.

"Very much," Theo winked at Liam who just laughed at Theo's retort before sitting beside him on the couch, "So, you mentioned a lot of shit happened this week. Want to talk about it?"

"Well, there were some problems at work, so I had to work overtime most days until Wednesday and yesterday my ex dropped by," Liam took a puff from his cigarette before reaching out for a beer. Theo noticed that the boxes were gone, "He came over to get the rest of his stuff. Let's just say he had a hard time accepting that I'm really done with the relationship..."

"Ouch, yeah that doesn't sound like a fun week..."

"No, it wasn't. I really needed this tonight," Liam smirked at Theo.

"I'm glad I could help," Theo winked at Liam, who just shook his head as he laughed before turning serious again.

"At least he got the memo now... I just want to move on and I felt like I couldn't do that with his boxes still here, you know?" Liam looked at Theo, "And now that he is out of my life, I feel kind of lost actually. I don't really know what to do anymore..."

"Well, what would you like to do? What were your dreams as a kid before you met him?" Theo rested his elbow on the back of the couch, sitting with one leg crossed on top of the couch, as he smoked his cigarette.

"Oh, wow, that was a long time ago," Liam chuckled, "I guess I never pictured myself staying here in Macau. I wanted to travel the world and see what else is there. I really enjoyed living in the UK, but I would like to try living in other places as well."

"Why don't you do that then?" Theo asked as he extinguished his cigarette and reached for his cider.

"I don't know. I had kind of given up on that idea. I mean, I have a stable job here..." Liam finished his cigarette shortly after Theo and grabbed his drink off the table to take a sip.

"But are you happy? I mean, being here, working as a project manager..." Liam looked away for a bit and thought about how to answer Theo's loaded question.

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