
39 2 0

Saturday, April 19th, 2014

Theo woke up with the buzzing of his phone. He turned to his left where he usually left his phone and noticed that he was next to Liam rather than in his own bed. After their deep and personal conversation the previous night, Liam and Theo got to know each other a bit more, asking each other about movie, TV show and music preferences, telling stories of funny work situations and occasionally flirting with each other, before ending up in bed again, limbs tangled as they gave in to their carnal desire.

Theo smiled at his last memories before falling asleep, really enjoying seeing Liam lose himself in the throes of pleasure above him, as he rode Theo until sunrise.

He looked to his right and saw that his phone was on the other bedside table. He grabbed his phone and checked the messages he had received. They were all from Alice.

SAT AT 12:24 PM

You there?

Wakey wakey

We're going out for lunch, want to join us?

Theo groggily typed out his answer.

SAT AT 12:31

Still in bed at Liam's

So no

He saw that Alice was already typing out her reply, so Theo decided to wait for a bit.

SAT AT 12:32

You two are getting pretty cozy

You sure it's just casual?

Anyway, we're going to Sky 21 for drinks tonight

Wanna come?

Theo rolled his eyes at his friend's first messages, but then instantly brightened at the idea of going to Sky 21. It was a really beautiful and modern bar located on the 21st floor of the AIA building, on the same building as his favorite sinful haven.

SAT AT 12:33

Where are you going after?

I guess I can go

Also, no. I'll ttyl about it

Alice's reply arrived shortly after.

SAT AT 12:34

Not sure yet

Maybe D2 or Cubic

We'll see where we feel like going

And you better tell me

Have fun with Liam ;)

Theo snorted at Alice's message just as Liam began to stir in bed. Theo set his phone back on the bedside table and faced Liam once again, whose eyes were still drowning in slumber.

"What time is it?" Liam sleepily mumbled, looking only half-awake.

"It's 12:30 pm," Theo smiled as Liam groaned at Theo's answer.

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