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Sunday, April 20th, 2014

Theo could hardly believe his luck as he stared at Noah. The young performer hadn't noticed Theo yet. Off the stage, he looked like a very different person from his onstage persona, dressed in fairly laid back thrift shop clothes, resembling more of a hipster than the seductive danseur entrancing women and men alike. He appeared to be looking for something in his jacket. From the cigarette in his hand, Theo had a sneaking suspicion as to what Noah sought.

"Need a lighter?" Theo asked, handing Noah his lighter, who accepted the lighter with a grateful look in his eyes.

"Thank you! You're a lifesaver," Noah had a faint accent that Theo couldn't quite place. It seemed like an intersection between the American and German accents.

"No worries," Theo fished a cigarette out for himself as an excuse to spend some more time with the man he had been wanting to see again for weeks. They stood silently in front of one another, smoking their cigarettes for about a minute. When Theo looked up at Noah again, he noticed Noah was looking at him with a furrowed brow and a curious gaze, smoke leaving his slightly parted lips. Theo wondered what it would be like to kiss those inviting luscious lips.

"I've seen you before... You're that handsome guy I saw at D2 once," Noah smirked at Theo, "I looked for you at the dancefloor after talking to my boss, but you weren't there when I got back..."

Noah looked incredibly attractive as he took a hit and then exhaled, smoke acting as a veil, adding a touch of mystery to the alluring stranger. Theo's eyes couldn't help but keep stealing glances at Noah's delectable lips before gazing back up at the performer's eyes, "I thought you'd left as well... You left shortly after me though. I saw you when I was in the taxi," Noah nodded at Theo, "I was actually going to D2 to see if I could catch you there again," Theo shyly admitted, feeling grateful for the fact that it was dark, so Noah couldn't see the faint blush on his face.

"Oh, well I'm glad I wandered all the way here or we may have missed each other again. Noah," Noah stretched his arm out to introduce himself to the other man.

"Theo," Noah smiled upon hearing Theo's name.

"Theo... Is that short for Theodore?" Noah sat down on the steps of the staircase and Theo followed, sitting next to the dancer.

"Yeah, but please never call me that," Theo looked down at his unopened bottle of beer as Noah laughed at Theo's retort, "By the way, would you... would you like to share a beer with me? I bought two and don't really want to finish this second one on my own."

"Oh, sure," Theo opened the bottle and took a sip before handing the bottle to Noah, who also took a sip, "Thanks. So, Theo... What are you doing here all alone on a Saturday night?"

"Well... Like I mentioned, I was about to go to D2. My friends and I went to Sky 21 and then they went to Cubic and I stayed behind. Just came here to get some fresh air before heading to D2."

"How long have you been here?" Noah asked, passing the bottle back to Theo and taking a puff from his cigarette before stubbing it out.

"About an hour, I guess..." Theo extinguished his own cigarette, before drinking some beer. Theo felt somehow at ease talking to Noah. He felt drawn to answer Noah's questions and learn more about the man, who was still very much an enigma to him.

"An hour? Boah! That's quite some time to get fresh air," Noah chuckled. 

"Well, I'm already a bit tipsy, as you can probably tell, so my perception of time isn't very reliable," Theo jokingly answered before adding, "and I guess I wanted to gather some more liquid courage..."

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