
44 4 0

warning: this chapter has some mature content.

Saturday, May 17th, 2014

For the next two hours, they drank the bottle of wine, listened to music, danced, laughed, and shared a couple of kisses before it was time to head to D2. Although they'd been tempted to take things further than kissing multiple times, they held back as they would head to the nightclub a bit earlier, so that Noah could spend some time with Theo and his friends before the club got busy and he had to go backstage to get ready for his performance. Had they not restrained themselves, they would've bailed on those plans completely.

They arrived at the discotheque fairly early. It wasn't even midnight, so the club was essentially almost empty. The music wasn't as loud as it was when the club got busy, so they could hear each other without shouting. Noah had to use the toilet and drop his costume backstage, so Theo decided to head to the bar counter and order beers while he waited for Noah to return. He didn't recognize the bartender on duty that night and Joshua was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps it was his day off... Theo wondered. 

As soon as the bartender set the two bottles of beer on the counter, Theo paid for the drinks and thanked the bartender before sending Alice a message, letting her know they'd arrived at the club. It didn't take long until he got a reply. 

"Almost there. Be there in 5."

He replied with a quick, "Ok," before feeling a hand on his waist. 

"Oh, is this beer for me?" Noah asked, surprising Theo with his sudden appearance.

"Uh, yeah. I didn't know what you wanted to drink, so I thought beer would be a safe bet," Theo smiled as he handed Noah one of the bottles. 

"Can't go wrong with beer! Prost!" They clinked their beers together before drinking. 

"So, what time are you performing tonight?" Theo asked. 

"At 2:30 am. I'm one of the first performances tonight once the club is starting to get busy," Noah fished a cigarette out of his pack and offered Theo, who accepted it, before taking one out for himself.

"Do you always perform the same song and dance?" Theo couldn't contain his curiosity. 

"I like to change things up every so often. The song I'll perform tonight is fairly new. I came up with it just this week at the dance studio, so you'll get to watch a different performance," he winked at Theo. 

"Ooo so I'm getting a special show tonight? What song are you dancing to?" 

"Now that would just spoil the surprise, don't you think," Noah teasingly smirked.

"I don't mind spoilers."

"Good things come to those who wait," Theo playfully glared at him, making Noah laugh. Before Theo could retort, Noah leaned close to Theo's ear and whispered in a deep raspy voice, "And something extra special for those who wait until the end."

Shivers of pleasure went up Theo's spine as Noah gave him a mischievous smirk before taking a puff from his cigarette. What a fucking tease, Theo thought. 

"Hey!" Theo turned around and saw Alice and Jamie. 

"Hey," Theo looked at Noah, "Noah, this is my flatmate Alice and her girlfriend Jamie," then he looked at Alice, "and girls, this is Noah." 

"I've heard so much about you from Theo so it's nice to finally meet you, Noah," Alice stood on her tippy toes to kiss Noah on the cheek, "You can just call me Allie."

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