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Saturday, April 12th, 2014

A faint song was playing in the background as Theo slowly awoke and became aware of reality. He was getting a call. He grabbed his phone from the bedside table and checked the caller ID. "Mom," it read. Why was she calling so early? He swiped his phone to answer it.

"Hey Mom," Theo tried to shake the sleepy tone from his voice.

"Oh Theo, did I wake you?"

"No...Well, kind of, but I wasn't going to sleep for much longer anyway."

"Oh, I was just calling to let you know we just got back from Japan and we brought you some souvenirs," his mom excitedly continued, "Japan was beautiful. You would love it there! And the food was delicious!"

"That's great, mom! I'm glad you enjoyed it. How's dad?" Theo fiddled with his messy bed hair.

"He's fine," Theo could hear his father's voice in the background, "we've both missed you. When will you come over?"

"I could drop by tomorrow. I am kind of busy today," he stretched out his leg, his toes peeking out from under the duvet.

"Perfect! Can't wait to see you again. I'll see you tomorrow then! Honey, say bye to Theo!" Theo could hear his mom passing the phone over to his dad who was telling Theo that he would see him the next day, before hanging up.

Hopefully, he wouldn't get too drunk that night. He didn't really want to see his parents while nursing a hangover. Would the dancer perform that night at D2 again? Theo was hoping that was the case. He checked the Grindr app to see if he had gotten any replies, but no such luck. Noah hadn't even seen his message. Theo let his phone drop beside him and groaned. What was wrong with him? He had slept with several guys since Jason but he was acting like a lovesick teenager over someone who was a mere stranger to him. He didn't even believe in love at first sight, he thought that idea was ludicrous. At most, it could be considered lust at first sight. Theo knew he needed to get out of the house and rid his mind of those irrational thoughts.

Checking the time on his phone, he noticed it was a quarter to ten. He decided to grab some breakfast before going out for a walk. When he stepped out of his room, he noticed Alice's door was still shut. She had probably gone to sleep late. Hopefully, she would be up on time for yum cha.

Theo prepared himself a green smoothie with some frozen berries, spinach, a banana, greek yogurt, and some chia seeds to start the day off with a nutritious breakfast. He was too lazy to cook and it was just easy to blend everything up.

He poured the mix into a tall glass and headed to the balcony to drink it. He sat down on the folding chair and admired the view of the high rise buildings that surrounded him. There was something about living in that claustrophobic urban jungle that Theo had loved ever since he was a child. He had visited the US a couple of times, but he felt a bit out of place there. Unlike him, his sister, Katie, preferred living in the US, having never fully embraced life in Macau, but she was 7 when they moved to Macau, so she had had a harder time adapting.

Once he finished his breakfast smoothie, he heard some noise coming from the living room. He turned around and noticed Alice yawning and stepping into the kitchen.

"Morning, Allie!" Alice jumped in surprise, clutching her hands to her chest, appearing to be startled by Theo's presence.

"Jesus Chris, Theo! I didn't see you there. You almost gave me a heart attack. Have you been up long?" She poured herself a glass of soy milk and grabbed a banana before sitting on the couch to have breakfast.

"Got up like half an hour ago or something. My mom called. They just got back from Japan, so I might drop by my parents' place tomorrow."

"Oh cool! I love your mom! Tell her I miss her apple pie," Alice was almost like an adoptive sister of Theo's in his parents' eyes. Even Katie got along well with Alice whenever she visited. As her family was on the other side of the planet, Theo's family had welcomed her and become her home away from home.

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