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Sunday, May 18th, 2014

Warmth. That was the first thing Theo felt when his eyes first opened the next day. There was an arm wrapped around his torso and he could feel Noah's smooth chest pressing against his back. This feels nice, Theo thought. He'd forgotten what being intimate with someone was like. Theo and Noah had often slept together, but this had been the first time he'd woken up with Noah cuddling up against him.

He turned his body around, trying to be gentle so as to not wake his lover up. The light coming in through the cracks in the curtains was enough for Theo to be able to relish in the sight of Noah sleeping. His lips were parted ever so slightly and his expression was serene - almost more youthful when in that relaxed state. Theo sometimes forgot about how Noah was four years younger than him because whenever they talked he sensed a lot of maturity from Noah. His eyes also held a lot of stories.

As he studied the younger man deep in slumber beside him, he felt this intense desire to protect that beautiful man from the pain and hurt he'd experienced. He wanted to care for Noah and stick by him through thick and thin. It was a strange realization for Theo, as he'd never felt that way about anyone before.

In the darkness, Noah's hair looked jet black, but sometimes when the light hit it, it turned into a smooth melted chocolate color that warmed Theo's heart and invited him to run his fingers through those silky locks.

His fingers gently grazed against Noah's hair and he felt Noah's body leaning closer to him.

So precious, Theo thought.

Suddenly, Theo heard a loud clatter coming from the kitchen, causing Noah to stir a bit before opening open his eyes. When he noticed Theo's face looking at him with a gentle smile, he sleepily grinned back at the other man.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Theo teased Noah who was yawning.

"Morgen. Have you been up long?" Noah's eyes fluttered shut and his voice was raspy with sleep.

"Not really. I woke up a couple of minutes ago," Theo couldn't help but feel smitten when he noticed that Noah was still cuddled up against him, even though he was already awake.

"What time is it?" Noah asked, looking once again at Theo, who stretched his arm out to the side to grab his phone.

"It's," he clicked on the home button, "12:15."

"Oh wow, we definitely slept in," Theo chuckled at Noah's remark, "by the way, I really enjoyed last night."

Theo smiled, "Me too."

He then noticed the remnants of the sticky mess he had created on his chest and on his sheets the previous night. With a chuckle, he said, "Guess I'll have to change the sheets."

"I can help you with that later. I'm partly to blame for the mess as well," Noah gave Theo a sleepy mischievous smirk.

"Yes, you are. I was completely spent after that so I fell asleep right after you."

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. Sex was amazing but it left me in such a relaxed state that I ended up falling asleep," Noah stretched his arms up, slowly looking more awake.

"It's fine, I fell asleep a few minutes after you," Theo wanted to talk about what had happened the previous night, but he felt hesitant about broaching the topic at that moment. How would he know if it was the right moment? What if he ended up ruining things between them?

In the end, cowardice won his mental tug-of-war and he asked, "Shall we go shower?"

"Sure, but isn't your flatmate outside?"

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