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Sunday, April 13th, 2014

"Hey, is Noah performing tonight?" Theo drunkenly yelled at the bartender, Joshua. He knew Joshua because he had once arrived earlier at D2 for a date. In the end, his date stood him up, and Theo ended up talking to the young bartender before the nightclub got busy.

It was a little after 3 am and Theo's rational side was nowhere to be seen. After pre-gaming at Jamie's place, they tipsily staggered all the way to D2, where Theo had an additional two drinks. Noah had not appeared onstage to perform and Theo was ordering a third drink, slowly losing hope of seeing the dancer that night. The idea of texting Flávio to meet up was becoming ever so tempting to him, which was definitely not a good idea when he was in that inebriated state.

The bartender shook his head, brought his face close to Theo's, and said, "he didn't show up today. He called in sick. Mihai is performing tonight." Theo had no idea who Mihai was, but he didn't really care. He was instead disappointed to hear that he wouldn't see the dancer that night. He paid for his drink, telling Joshua to keep the tip, before chugging the drink in one go. He took his phone out of his pocket and sent a message to Flávio saying, "U st;ll up?", before pocketing his phone once again.

"Take it easy on the drinks, Theo," Joshua told him out of concern.

"I'll be fine. See you around, Joshua," Theo said as he left the bar counter area and walked towards his group of friends. As he approached them, he felt a buzz in his pocket, so he fished his phone out to check if he had gotten a reply.

"Yeah, want to come over?" Theo smirked at the reply. His lustful cravings overrode every rational thought in his mind at that moment, as he typed out his reply.

"Yeah see u in s bit."

Even if he ended up regretting his decision the next day, at that exact moment he didn't really care. He would let future Theo sort that problem out for him.

He approached his friends, who were dancing close to the stage and yelled at Alice, so that she could hear even with the loud bass sounds ringing through the club, "Hey, I'm gonna head out now."

"Already?" She yelled back.

"Yeah, gonna meet up with someone," Theo didn't want to tell Alice who he was meeting, because he knew she would try to convince him not to go.

"Don't tell me you're going to Flávio's!" Theo didn't even need to tell her anything. Alice knew him too well.

"I won't tell you then. Anyway, have fun! I gotta get going," he turned around to leave before Alice could retort. That night he had a strange desire to make the wrong decisions. He didn't want Alice to stop him.

After his break up, Theo would occasionally get this deep-seated urge to make a wrong decision. He spent a long time following in someone else's steps. He had tried making all the right decisions when he was with Jason, so he felt like he was rebelling against that period in his life. He wanted to know what it felt like to do the wrong thing. Deep down, he knew he would regret his decision after the fact, but he felt this magnetic force compelling him to act upon his most depraved desires. Sometimes he wondered if he instead was doing that because he wanted to punish himself for not doing well enough in the past, for his failed relationship... Maybe even a bit of both.

Theo stepped out of D2 and walked down the escalator to exit the building. Flávio lived near him in Taipa, so Theo had to look for a taxi to hail. Luckily for him, a vacant black cab happened to be approaching him. He raised his arm so that the driver would stop. Once inside of the taxi, he told the driver Flávio's address and the driver pressed the button on the taxi meter before setting off. He took his phone out of his pocket and sent a message to Flávio saying: "Omw."

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