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Sunday, April 20th, 2014

"Last night was lovely. Thanks for inviting me along :)"

Theo couldn't help but smile as he read the text message shortly after he'd woken up. He checked the time and noticed that it was already almost half-past two in the afternoon. He'd only slept six hours. After parting ways with Noah, as the latter man mentioned he had some plans for lunch and had to get some sleep, Theo wandered around the city center trying to hail a taxi to head home. It had taken a bit longer than he'd hoped, but his mood didn't falter, his footsteps light and floaty as he rode on the high he felt after he and Noah had kissed. He couldn't help but smile at the memory of the dancer's promise of a second encounter.

With all of the blissful excitement coursing through his veins, he ended up only falling asleep a little after eight in the morning. He certainly hadn't gotten enough sleep, even though it was already past his lunchtime. Theo replied to Noah's message with, "Likewise :) Would you like to meet this evening?"

After clicking on 'Send', Theo wondered if he seemed too eager. Maybe I should've asked when he's free instead...Theo thought. It was too late, the message had already been sent, and all Theo could do was wait for a reply.

Shortly after sending the text, his phone started ringing. It was Alice. Theo had forgotten to check Alice's spam of Facebook and text messages, with thoughts of the attractive and charming performer dancing in his mind.

"Hello," Theo's groggy voice spoke into the speaker of his phone.

"Oh, so you're alive! Thank you for not replying to my messages!" Alice's concern was masked behind a façade of sarcasm.

"Good morning to you too. Are you at Jamie's?"

"I'm heading home now. I need to do some laundry ASAP and Jamie is coming over for dinner anyway, but let's get back to the point. Where have you been? Why didn't you answer me?"

"I'll tell you about it when you get home. I need some water and a shower," Theo said as he slowly got up.

"Did you just get up? Geez, what did you get up to last night after we left you?"

"Like I said, I'll tell you everything when you get here. Too long of a story to tell you over the phone and I really need to use the bathroom. How was Cubic?"

"It was fun, but Jamie and I headed back home pretty early to have a private after-party at her place..."

"TMI, Alice, TMI," Theo interrupted Alice before she could give any other details away and heard his housemate giggling on the other side of the call, "Anyway, we'll talk when you get here," Theo said as he entered the bathroom, before hanging up on Alice's call.

As soon as he felt the water on his face, Theo's mind drifted back to the events that had taken place early that morning. The kiss and that smile that promised more. His hand roamed down, longing for release as the dancer became the subject of his lustful thoughts. His moans echoed throughout the small bathroom, as he came, his hand against the bathroom wall, water falling all around him and washing away the mess he had created.

Once his breath had returned to a steady rhythm, he grabbed onto the shower gel and cleaned himself up, his mind feeling clearer after climaxing. As he lathered his body with soap, Theo started singing 'Get Lucky' by Daft Punk. The good mood he had felt on his way home hadn't disappeared and if Theo were not afraid of slipping in the bathtub, he would've started dancing.

After finishing the shower and drying himself off, Theo headed back to his room. The first thing he did in his room was to check his phone. Still no reply from Noah. Maybe he's busy now, Theo thought, he'll probably reply later. He noticed Alice had sent him a message asking him if he wanted anything from outside. He quickly typed, "Yeah, buy me some take out noodles. Anything is fine."

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