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A/N: This chapter contains a lot of dialogue in different languages. In the end, you will find a glossary with the translations.

Friday, May 30th, 2014

"Are you on your way?" Theo heard Noah's voice through the receiver as he walked back home after a long day at work. After taking two days off at the start of the week, he was still catching up on the work he missed.

"Yeah, what time are we going over to your parents'?" Theo asked.

Noah was waiting for him at his place. After the events that had taken place the previous weekend, he decided to take the whole week off from work. He'd called his friend from the dance school to tell her that some personal issues had come up and he needed some time to work on his mental health. He also got his colleague at D2 to take his shifts for the week. His boss at the bookstore was less understanding, but Noah had had too much on his mind the entire week to even worry about the possibility of losing that job.

He'd spent the week over at Theo's after Theo had asked if he wanted to. Although Noah didn't admit it out loud, he felt better when he was around Theo, so he accepted the offer. Theo talked to Alice and asked if she didn't mind spending a few days at Jamie's. He didn't reveal any details of what had happened, but he said that Noah needed him at that moment and he wanted Noah to be as comfortable as he could be. Alice was a bit concerned about Noah but was fine about spending the week at Jamie's. She'd been planning on doing it anyway.

After their hike on Tuesday, Noah called his mom to let her know that he would go to their place for dinner on Friday and mentioned that he would bring someone along. Theo was nervous about meeting Noah's family, but he wanted to be there for Noah when he shared what had happened with his parents.

"Mom said that dinner would be ready at 8," Noah answered.

"I should get home in, like, fifteen minutes. I'm at the Carmo Garden now," Theo said, "I just need to shower and get dressed and we can go."

"Okay," Noah's voice seemed nervous.

"How are you feeling?" Theo felt bad having to leave Noah alone at home, but he couldn't take more than two days off all of a sudden. Noah had been understanding and spent more of the day sleeping as he'd had trouble sleeping the last few nights, feeling anxious about the dinner at his parents'.

"Nervous as fuck," Noah breathed out.

"Take a deep breath," Theo heard Noah inhaling deeply and then doing a long exhale before adding, "They're your parents and they only want what's best for you, so everything will be okay. And I'll be there for you."

"I know... I just... How do I even begin to explain it to them?" Noah seemed to be pacing around the house.

"Just tell them the truth. And if you can't tell them everything, you don't have to. Just tell them what you feel comfortable with sharing. Take breaks if you need to, grab my hand if you need to. You can even squeeze it tightly," Theo playfully added. Noah chuckled at the last suggestion.

"You know exactly what to say to calm me down, Theo. Thank you," Noah uttered and Theo just wanted to dash home to see Noah in person and hug him.

"Anytime," Theo smiled as he said that.

"By the way can you buy some cigarettes and six bottles of beer on the way? I'll pay you once you get here," Noah asked.

"Sure, I'll stop in at 7-eleven. I should be home in ten," Theo fished a cigarette from his pocket to smoke on the way.

"Okay, I'll just take a shower. See you in a bit," Noah said.

"See ya," Theo hung up and lit up his cigarette.

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