
44 3 0

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

Noah's apartment was on the third floor of an apartment without an elevator. As soon as the two men arrived at the entrance of the building, after getting out of the taxi, Noah grabbed Theo's hand and pulled him along up the stairs of the building, both men desperate to satiate their physical longing for each other. He fumbled with the keys at the door of his apartment, as Theo kept distracting him by kissing his neck and the spot behind Noah's ear.

"Let me open the door, you're distracting me," Noah almost moaned out when Theo nibbles Noah's earlobe, "The quicker I open the door, the faster we can go to my room and continue this."

Theo kissed Noah's neck one more time, before controlling himself and pulling back a bit, "Go ahead."

It took Noah one more try before he managed to successfully open the door and both men stepped into the apartment, almost slamming the door shut as soon as they were inside, desperate to continue their long-awaited make-out session. The two men had teased each other the whole way back to Noah's home, so Theo didn't even waste any time taking in the apartment, his eyes solely focused on the man he desired.

Theo grasped the back of Noah's neck, kissing him roughly, being too turned on to contain his intense urges. Noah brought his hands to the back of Theo's neck, deepening the kiss, taking control of the situation once again. Noah's hands trailed down Theo's back, the curve of his buttocks, before going back up to his hips and breaking the kiss.

"Let's go to my room," Noah opened his door and pulled Theo into the room with him, before shutting the door. Theo started unbuttoning his shirt as Noah took his t-shirt off in one swift move, revealing his toned and smooth tan torso. Theo almost tore off the last two buttons as he impatiently finished taking his shirt off, giving Noah a chance to check him out before crashing his lips back on the other man. Noah moaned into Theo's mouth as Theo ground his crotch against Noah's, his hands going down to the dancer's jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them before letting Noah step out of them and taking his own off.

As soon as Theo's pants were off his legs, Noah pushed Theo onto his bed before climbing on top of him and bringing his lips down to Theo, kissing the man underneath him from his lips, down his neck and chest, all the way down to his happy trail, before looking up into Theo's eyes. Noah's dominant side in bed was leaving Theo more aroused than he'd ever felt before and Noah hadn't even reached his crotch.

Noah palmed Theo's crotch, earning a moan from the latter man, before he smirked and lowered his head again to press his lips and tongue against Theo's hardened member, still covered by his briefs, thoroughly enjoying teasing Theo, who breathlessly uttered, "take them off."

"Should I?" Noah smirked before rubbing his hand up and down against Theo's engorged member, moistened by Noah's saliva as well as some of Theo's precum.

"Please," Theo was already feeling close, but he didn't want to climax so soon.

Noah grabbed the hem of Theo's briefs, as Theo lifted his hips so that Noah could pull them off more easily. Noah also took his own briefs off. Both men gazed at each other for a second to take each other's fully nude bodies in. Noah then climbed back on top of Theo before grinding his hips against the latter man's, rubbing their hardened members against one another. Theo's hands went down to Noah's toned buttocks and squeezed him, enjoying the feel of Noah's smooth body against his hands.

Theo brought his right hand down to the place where both of their crotches were rubbing up against each other, grasped both of their members in one hand, and began pumping it up and down. Noah buried his head into the crevice between Theo's neck and shoulder, moaning and grasping tightly onto the man lying underneath him. Theo was enjoying seeing Noah's reactions, his moans urging him on. He dragged his finger along Noah's slit, feeling him grind harder against Theo's body, desperate to feel that sweet release. He wanted to see Noah come undone, so he put his hand around Noah's member, focusing solely on the pleasure of the man writhing above him at that moment.

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